5. Ditto

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Emergency room by Izi was playing in the car, Wonbin sang along to it as he tap the steering wheel with his finger to the beat.

The rain hitting on the car window makes Hayun feels comfy inside the car. The soft humming of Wonbin and the moon light illuminating the road.

Wonbin isn't even worried about the rain ruining their date, Hayun's with him and that's all that matters.

If you didn't know what was going inside Wonbin's mind you would have thought that he's being really cool about the whole situation but he's been fighting back the urge to smile eversince Hayun said 'Yes' to his proposal for a date.

And so is Hayun, she was keeping herself busy by looking out the window. A big smile plastered on her face but she made sure that Wonbin won't be able to see it. There was an awkward silence but it wasn't exactly awkward for them, they just appreciate each other's presence in silence.

Wonbin planned this little date for about three weeks. He initially planned to bring her out on a coffee date in a cute cafe that he had founded but thankfully, Chanyoung told her about how shy and awkward Hayun tends to be in public places and the problem is that Wonbin is just like that too.

He's shy and awkward and apparently so is Hayun from what he heard from Chanyoung so he decided to bring her out to the outskirts of the city, it's a spot he often goes to with his family. It was quiet but in a more comforting way, the bustling sound of the busy city in a distance could be heard and the view was pretty, city lights, the moon and the stars all visible.

When they reached the place Wonbin quickly get out of the car before Hayun and opened the back trunk.

"You can sit here." Wonbin awkwardly said as Hayun gets out of the car, his lips forming a thin line.

"You prepared this?" Hayun said as she looks at the soft mat placed on the back.

Wonbin nodded, still holding back his smile, a smug smirk plastered on his face instead.

"It's pretty." Hayun said as she sits and takes in the sight of the night sky and city lights, admiring it.

"I'm glad you like it." Wonbin awkwardly takes a seat besides her as they both just sit there and admire the view for about half an hour

"You know..." Wonbin trials off, breaking the silence.

Hayun shifts het attention to the guy, finding a more prettier view than the night sky.

"I bet you already know this but.." He takes a deep breath to calm himself down, "I like you." He stares right into the girl's eyes.

"I-i" Hayun was flustered, her cheeks crimson red, her body tingling with excitement, "me too. I mean I like you too."
She was highkey panicking.
'Why am i stuttering?' she mentally cries.

Then here comes the awkward silence again, it was SILENT, the sound of their fast heartbeats could almost be heard.

Wonbin was speechless, Hayun was speechless. They may be the most popular students in school and may be known for being 'cool and mysterious' but these two are just another awkward teens.

Wonbin pretends to be cool and mysterious when he's actually awkward as hell, Hayun looks like she's cool and mysterious only because she stays silent most of the time.
In reality, these two are the most awkward ones.

Wonbin isn't like Sungchan, he can't just go back to being normal right after he said something like THAT.

Hayun isn't like Yeseul, she can't just act nonchalant after she said something like THAT.

'I should have brought Choi Yeseul along for some mental support' Hayun thinks to herself.

"Erm....So should we, you know, date?" Wonbin fiddles with his hands and looked everywhere but Hayun's eyes.

"I mean, yea? Sure." Hayun could only laugh awkwardly. The tension was so awkward, it's choking both of them.

"I see.." His lips formed a thin line as he tried to fight back the smile, "It's getting late, I'll drive you home."

Hayun quickly stands up and Wonbin closed the back trunk while she goes inside.
The drive home was awkward as hell too.
How are they going to date when they're this awkward?

"Bye!" Hayun waved goodbye at Wonbin as she goes inside the gate to her house and Wonbin does the same back to her.

"Ahhh!" Hayun screams as she closed the door and slides down against it. She hits the floor as she keeps on shouting, earning a worried looks from the maids and her mom.
"I'm going crazy!"

As soon as he saw Hayun closed the door, Wonbin stomps his feet in excitement, forming his hand in a fist as if he's celebrating a championship. A smuggish crooked smile formed on his face.

They stayed up all night texting each other, telling each other about how they fell for each other, saying sweet things to each other and planning their future dates.

They decided to make it a 'private but not secret' relationship.

Hayun did a little wave at Wonbin as she walked past him in the hallway and Wonbin shyly did it back.

When breaktime comes up Wonbin dashed straight to Hayun's classroom and waited for her.

"Yeseul didn't come to school today so I don't really have anyone to hang out with.'' Hayun pouts at the boy.

"Sungchan's absent too." Wonbin said then remembered what he heard from Eunseok, "They're probably together, Eunseok talked about how Sungchan skips school because he slept over at someone's."

"Do you think they're back together?" Hayun asked him.

"I don't know, those two give me major trust issues." Wonbin laughs as he raises his arm to put it around Hayun's shoulder but he chickens out and awkwardly lets it down again.

The two walked together in the hallway, earning an awful amount of stares from the students.

"Hayun and Wonbin are dating?"
"They're just friends!"
"They're probably dating now."
And the news spread like wildfire and it takes less than an hour for Hayun to get a call from her cousin, giving her an earful for not telling her or giving her details.

"I was going to tell you today but you were absent without telling me so, deserved I guess." Hayun sass back at her. Wonbin, no, her boyfriend sitting beside her, pouting as he waits for her to finish the call.

"That's because I'm sick! Come visit me." Yeseul shouted from the other line, sounding healthy as ever. Hayun had some suspicion and they were proven right when she heard another voice belonging to a certain giant from the other line.

"Sungchan's with you?" She frowns.

"So what?" Her cousin answered back, "we didn't do anything."

"Whatever, we'll come by later and if you aren't really sick I'll shove a tomato inside your mouth." Hayun said as the other girl burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Bye Mrs. Park!'' "Bye Mrs. Jung.''

"Sungchan is really with her. Hayun puts down her phone as she looks at Wonbin who was acting all pouty, "thought she was ignoring him."

"Those two are weird, I'm telling you. I don't know what's up with them." Wonbin shrugged as he sat up, "It's like they're using each other but they like each other but hate each other."

"They are made for each other.'' Hayun laughs.

"Stop talking about them!" Wonbin said as he rested his head on her shoulder, he took Hayun's hand and intertwined their fingers and the two sat like that for the whole break, not giving any mind to the stares they get from other students.

At 01:27pm | Jung SungchanWhere stories live. Discover now