11. Hurt

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The sound of the floor creaking woke up Yeseul and she found herself sleeping comfortably in Sungchan's bed.

"Did i wake you up?" Sungchan looms over her as he tugs her hair behind her ears.
Looking at her with his honey eyes.

Yeseul nods as she glares up at him, "Didn't remember your bed being this comfortable."

Sungchan laughs at her words as he shakes his head, "It's more comfortable right? I bought a new one." He said with a proud smile plastered on his face.

She finally felt the post sore all over her body so she closed her mouth even though she was about to say something and let out a little groan, a mixture of annoyance and tiredness.

"It's already dark outside so how about you stay over tonight?" Sungchan tried to act nonchalant but deep down he was nervous.
It's his first time asking Yeseul to stay over.

Unlike Yeseul, Sungchan's family are always home and it's like he almost never got the house all to himself. This is a one time thing, maybe once in a blue moon thing.
And he wants to spend it with Yeseul.

"Your mom's away too anyway." He added to try and persuade the girl to stay.

"But your bed's too small for both of us." Yeseul pouts.

"We can cuddle, can't we?" Sungchan replied, his eyes gleaming at the thought of having her by his side for a while longer.

"I'm hungry." The girl sits up on the bed and lean on the headrest. She furrowed her brows together when she heard a laugh coming from the kitchen.

"That's just Gyuri and Saebi." Sungchan quickly explained it, "They doesn't know you're here yet though." He scratched his neck awkwardly, afraid that the girl might be mad at him. The truth is that he doesn't know that his sister will be home either, luck is on their side so they just happened to come home right after Sungchan had clean their messes up.

"Are you going to wear your uniform again or do you want me to get you something to wear from Gyuri?" Sungchan asked even though a part of him wants to see Yeseul wearing his shirt. But his sister and her friend is out there so he too thinks that it might be a little inappropriate.

Yeseul thinks for a moment and she was more than embarassed to wear Gyuri's clothes but she had no other choice so she just go with it. "I felt bad. You know, having to wear Gyuri's clothes right after I fucked her brother inside her house..." She trials off.

"It's not her house alone." Sungchan scoffed as he leaves the room to ask Gyuri for some spare clothes.

"What?!" And Gyuri reacts exactly as Sungchan thought she would. She dramatically drops her spoon to the table and her jaw hanged open. Saebi was surprised too but she wasn't as reactive as Gyuri, a tad bit of blush could be seen on her face though.

"Keep it down." Sungchan shoosed down his sister as he stares at her impatiently.

Gyuri gets up from her seat and dragged her brother to her room, she opens her closet and fish for her clothes.

She pulls out a brown pajama set and throws it to her, "They were kinda big for me so I haven't worn them yet." She nervously said as she watch her brother examines it.

"Thanks." Sungchan bluntly thanked her and turns on his back to leave but Gyuri pulled him back.

"Did you guys made up?" She whispered to him.

Sungchan nods at the girl as an answer and leaves her room.

"Here. It's brand new." He puts down the pajama set on his bed and goes to lock his door and leaned on it, staring at the girl with an unreadable face.

At 01:27pm | Jung SungchanWhere stories live. Discover now