8. Fearless

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Where can she be? In her classroom? Maybe on the rooftop? What if it's inside the girl's restroom?

He stopped when he saw Hayun who was with Wonbin, he didn't even have to ask them, Wonbin pointed inside Yeseul's classroom, helping his friend out.

He just wants the two of them to get it straight. It will be more beneficial for him and Hayun too.

Sungchan barges inside the classroom and goes straight to Yeseul's seat and stands there, catching his breath.
Yeseul not paying any mind at him makes him annoyed but he knows it's his fault.

"Seul please, I'm sorry." He leans down to her, his big hand covering the book that she was pretending to read.

"Look at me." He bends down to meet her eyes, "I'm sorry." But the girl was still ignoring him.

"Please. Princess." And here comes the nicknames, why is his sickeningly sweet voice affecting her?

"You were being so so aggressive." Yeseul finally looked at him with a scowl.

"I know, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you first. I'm sorry." He doesn't know how to explain himself either, it's not like he can just say some excuses. All he could do was repeatedly say 'Im sorry's.

"That's all? You're sorry and what? You're not going to do anything about it?" He knew it, Yeseul won't just let something like that slide.
What should he do to make sure that Yeseul won't be mad at him anymore.
It's not like he has anything to offer to the girl.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked in a soft voice as he stared at her with those honey eyes.

"Get some of THAT for me."

"What?" The confusion was replaced with a frown when he realised what she meant.
"No." He shakes his head and gives her a stern look "you said you won't take those anymore."

"Mid-terms are approaching! I won't be able to get through it without those!" The girl shouts back, frustrated that Sungchan said no to her.

"You won't know unless you try it!" Sungchan was determined to not let her get her way.
He knows how bad those things are for Yeseul, he can't let her ruin her own life.

"And risk my grades for it? Hell no!" Yeseul was just as determined as he is.

"Choi Yeseul! You know how you ended up last time! This could ruin your life! It could tarnish your family's name." Sungchan pulled her and made her stand up to face him. "Pull yourself together, I'll help you."

"I don't need you. I'll just ask the others for help. It's not like you're the only one who could get your hands on the pills." She pushed him away.

"Stop getting mad at me, I'm just worried about you. And I want us to make up." He takes one of her hands and holds it up to his cheek. "Princess, please."

"I'm sorry." He apologized again, he doesn't even know why. He just felt like apologizing.
"Hmm?" He stares at the girl and waits for her to say something.

Yeseul just pouts at the guy and Sungchan was about to pull her into a hug but the classroom door suddenly burst open.
The two turn their head towards it and see a teary, dishevel Naeun gasping for air.
There were some students staring at them from the windows too.
What was Sungchan thinking when he started shouting at Yeseul when they were inside the classroom, hopefully they won't hear what they were saying right?

"Channie~" Naeun burst into tears and made grabby hands towards the guy.
Yeseul and Sungchan could only stare with a surprise face as she makes her way towards them.

At 01:27pm | Jung SungchanWhere stories live. Discover now