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After the hang out chifuyu decided to speak up.

Chifuyu: "kazutora? Why didn't you eat?"

Kazutora felt his legs get weak at the question, he didn't remember his past the best, but when he did it would be fists in the air along with him not eating in days or weeks. He sighed and looked at chifuyu.

Kazutora: "I just can't eat until I do something good.."

Chifuyu: "you where good, you didn't do anything wrong these days"

Kazutora did agree on that but he didn't think it would last long before he once again breaks like last time.

Kazutora: "I can agree but I can't eat.."

Chifuyu: "does it have to do with your past?"

Kazutora nodded and looked at the sky.

Kazutora: "yeah, they didn't feed me until I did something good, and I don't remember much from my childhood. When I do try to remember I remember fists raising in the air and getting hit by my father. I wasn't treated the best but I'm out of there now so. I've been doing okay physically, mentally not too good but I'll be fine, last time I snapped was the bloody Halloween anyway"

Chifuyu looked away and he was debating on forgiving kazutora now, he thought about it ever since Mikey told him about the reason of kazutora doing such thing to baji. He was giving it a thought for almost 2 days now, and he still couldn't decide, he figured if he did forgive kazutora maybe kazutora would get more comfortable with him and if he didn't kazutora wouldn't really let chifuyu get him anything and would do stuff alone thinking he has to pay chifuyu back since he let kazutora stay.

Chifuyu went in the house with kazutora and went to his room to think about forgiving kazutora. Kazutora on the other hand went to his room and layed in bed before he went on his phone just scrolling through the socials and meny other stuff. He decided to play some music and he did. Just seconds after he played the music chifuyu was outside the door and peeked not moving the door at all.

Chifuyu heard kazutora start to sing along with the song and he listened as he was blushing. He didn't know kazutora could sing so beautifully. Chifuyu was sure kazutora could be a singer or an idol. Maybe a model too. Chifuyu got himself distract for a second before he knocked lightly. Kazutora turned the music off and let chifuyu in. Chifuyu sat in the bed and told kazutora to sit down before he spoke.

Chifuyu: "I was thinking about forgiving you.. But I'm not sure yet"

Chifuyu explained slowly and softly his voice could be heard but not well.

Kazutoras eyes lit up as they got a small sparkle back. Chifuyu was starting at kazutoras eyes in awe before kazutora spoke.

Kazutora: "thank you chifuyu! Thank you so much for thinking about it at least!"

Chifuyu smiled softly and patted kazutora

Chifuyu: "don't get too exited"

Kazutora nodded and smiled softly. In his opinion kazutora didn't expect chifuyu to forgive him. He was glad chifuyu at least considers it. Kazutora sighed and sat up looked at the boys green eyes before smiling. He thought chifuyu had the prettiest eyes. They where just a beautiful shade of green and at times they would look lighter as well.

Kazutora zoned out for a few seconds but when he snapped back he saw chifuyu pressing his hand on his forehead.

Kazutora looked at chifuyu questioning what the boy was doing.

Chifuyu: "kazutora? You okay? Your red"

Kazutora: "a-ah, yes, yes I'm okay, don't worry"

Chifuyu: "alright"

Kazutora gently brushed his hand trough chifuyus hair. As chifuyu looked at kazutora he seemed to not notice anything suspicious in his opinion so he relaxed and let the boy brush his hair with his fingers.

Kazutora smiled and figured chifuyu doesn't have to forgive him about the bloody Halloween but he can still be his friend even if he didn't forgive him. Kazutora knew chifuyu was still clinging to that one threat that has to do with baji, and If he had to guess it would be the pet shop. He wanted to open one on his own too.

But since chifuyu will open one he would probably ask him to work with the boy because he has to get meny papers information and he would like to help him. He didn't want chifuyu to have a routine that is basically  Waking up, eating, going to work, coming back, eating and going to bed. He wanted to spend some time with him anyway. He saw chifuyus phone ring before pointing it out.

Kazutora: "fuyu, your phone is ringing, takemichis calling you"

Chifuyu: "thanks"

That's the last thing chifuyu said before taking his phone and going to his room to answer in case if it was future takemichi on the line.

Takemich started to explain to chifuyu about some future that he asked chifuyu not to let happen.

Takemichi: "chifuyu listen, take care of kazutora, he needs to be alive in the future if he's not It will be a trigger for Mikey to go to the dark again. Let me explain, we where all hanging out and kazutora suddenly felt ill kazutora was much more pale in the future and he was more skinny as well. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and didn't come back for a while. Then I decided to go check on him. When I did I saw him passed out I quickly called the ambulance and they took him, after a day he was fine but the next day he was pronounced dead. He didn't eat In a while and he didn't probably sleep well either. He was a total mess, and all he told me was that you just hated him, so whatever happens tell him the truth, not that you hate him, future you told me you didn't hated him. Future You told me that you loved him. That you wanted to protect him, that when kazutora looked at your eyes and you looked at him you felt like you should forgive him even if it's unforgivable. In short, you have romantic feelings for kazutora, not yet probably but in the future you do, so make sure to take care of him. Baji wanted you to do so as well, remember?"

Chifuyu: "i- takemichi... Thanks I'll do it"

Takemichi: "thanks partner"

And then, he hang up, chifuyu thought about it well, and he did realize he loved kazutora. Well in some way. Chifuyu got up and went to kazutora seeing the boy was in bed and he gently sat on bed next to him.

Chifuyu: "kazutora? You like anyone?"

Kazutora: "hmm, you could say that, I mean the person is cute, and have the prettiest eyes"

Chifuyu: "that's cute, well I think i can forgive you"

Kazutora: "really? Thanks chifuyu it really means much"

Chifuyu: "of course kazutora, dont be afraid to ask me anything or if you need anything."

Kazutora nodded and smiled at chifuyu he hugged him and nuzzled his face in chifuyus shoulder. Chifuyu felt like a cat who's owner is nuzzling his face in its back.

Chifuyu patted kazutora and smiled as he hummed softly playing with his hair. Kazutora soon fell asleep slowly, chifuyu gently stroked kazutoras hair before he smiled. He was surprised kazutora just trusted him easily. Chifuyu thought he should sleep with kazutora for a bit hoping to keep him safe for the futures sake. Chifuyu layed with kazutora and went on his phone texting takemichi about what had happened. He hoped kazutora could be okay. He cared so much about him.  Not even the words could explain or even express it.

Why did you forgive me? (Kazufuyu)Where stories live. Discover now