Chapter one

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The year passed in a blur, and it was difficult for the Daltons to get used to a life without the invasive presence that was Mr. Dalton.

He kept his word.

The mortgage of the house paid in full the day after his departure, and the payments arrived in the form of check daily.

Lakyn was always the one to pluck it out of the mailbox, and deliver it to Mrs. Dalton on their marbled counter tops every day.

Which she just completed, turning to the staircase and ascending the steps, her brother's room being the destination in mind.

Charlie hears three knocks on his door, to which he mumbles a quiet, "come in."

Lakyn does, pushing the door open with a balled fist and fixing her eyes on her brother.

"Charlie." She whispers, a small smile plastered onto her face.

He looks at her, trying desperately to read her mind.

"I'm going to miss you." She laughs dryly.

This is their fourth year going to separate schools, but as each summer came to a close, the two siblings always felt a sense of dread about leaving each other.

This year felt different too, the house would be far more empty, which Lakyn was not anticipating to be a positive impact on her headspace.

"Last night I accused you of missing me, and you called me presumptuous." He rolls his eyes, pushing himself to his feet and walking over to his little sister, "you will always be my baby sister."

"Nice try." She leans into him as he wraps her into an embrace.

She really is going to miss him.

"...but I'm not a baby." She corrects him pointy, as he releases her from his arms.

"You're younger than me." He shrugs, "merely seventeen."

"Oh hush." She reaches forwards and playfully shoves him, "you're eleven months older than me, and I skipped a grade may I add. We're practically twins."

"You wish." He chucks some more of his shirts from his drawers, into a few of his suitcases.

Three knocks can be heard from the open doorway once more, and their mother stands there all posh in her gorgeous house dress, hair in a perfect up-do and a smile stretching from ear to ear.

"We've got to get a move on, children." She claps her hands once, "we're going to be late for your brother's ceremony."

"Mother." Lakyn tilts her head, "I thought I was permitted to skip that, our plan was for me to meet you there about an hour after you leave with some of Charlie's things."

"Oh, that's right." She shakes her head, "I wouldn't want to force you through all that again."

She'd gone to the opening ceremony the past three years, she could probably recite it to you by now.

Charlie rolls his eyes, silently judging his sister for her resistance to attend the biggest tradition that Welton has.

"Charlie, sweetie." Mrs. Dalton looks at him, "come along, your sister will pack some things into the Bentley and meet us there."

Charlie rolls his eyes at his sister, and she mouths a quick, 'see you later' to him just to be frustrating as he and their mother exit his bedroom, heading for the entrance to the house.


The drive had been a bit longer than anticipated, due to the arrival day traffic at Welton Academy.

loml ~ Neil Perry Where stories live. Discover now