Chapter 3

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Neil's point of view

"Today's the day boys!" I throw my arms over the shoulders of my friends as we all saunter down the hallway to where we dine.

"What's today?" Charlie asks from my right.

"He's auditioning for a play." Todd smiles.

"Aren't you worried about-"

"Hush!" I put a finger to Charlie's lips, "I'll be hearing none of that protest."

"I tried yesterday." Todd shrugs, "he's very persistent."

"You don't think your father will know?" Charlie asks.

"Doubt it." I smile, "he doesn't care about theatre."

"My little sister is helping coordinate that." Charlie recalls as the three of us sit down for breakfast, the other boys lagging behind.

"Is she?" I grow curious.

"Yes." He tucks a napkin into this shirt, "she's helping with everything that goes on behind the scenes. She's phenomenal at painting, and writing."

I keep going over my interaction with her in my head. There's something about that girl I can't shake from my mind, and not just because she's beautiful.

"You say little sister." I probe, "how much younger?"

"Barely eleven months." Charlie looks at me, "my parents were quick to fill the nest."

"She's also in the twelfth grade, no?" Todd beats me to the punch.

"Yes, she's very smart. A-shame Welton doesn't allow girls." He pauses, "she skipped only a single grade when she was asked to skip two."

I knew something other than charm and beauty radiated off of her. It was her witty comeback, and sarcastic humor that really caught my attention; all qualities of only the most intelligent I have learned.

I'd be a liar if I told you the fact that she will be helping with the play isn't influencing my choice to audition.

Being in her presence will be a perk, a blessing on its own.

Meeks sits down next to me at the table, and so does Cameron.

"Who are we discussing?" Cameron asks as he digs into his breakfast.

"Charlie's sister." Todd replies swiftly from across the table.

"Oh yeah." A shit-eating grin spreads across Cameron's face, "she was a different kind of gorgeous."

"Watch it Richard." Charlie uses Cameron's first name, displaying his irritation.

"What's not to like..." he pushes further, "pretty eyes and a beautiful figure-"

I nudge him roughly in his side as I finish my breakfast, and he lets out a pitiful yelp.

"What was that for?" He clutches his side almost comically, looking at me with conviction.

I offer a weak shrug of my shoulders, locking eyes with Todd across the table, telepathically conveying to him that I'm ready to go.

He nods, and the two of us stand up.

"Done already?" Charlie mumbles without looking at me, he's too enthralled with his food.

"Ready to start the day so I can get to the end of it." I smile, "all I want to do is act.

"Hey, where's Knox?" Meeks questions before Todd and I walk away.

"Probably still lovestruck after meeting that girl last night." Charlie laughs dryly.

loml ~ Neil Perry Where stories live. Discover now