Chapter 5

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Lakyn's point of view

"Chris, I just met the boy of my dreams!" I whisper energetically into the phone, standing downstairs in the foyer.

I was ready to change into my nightgown and settle for the evening, but something was telling me to give her a call.

I knew I had to inform her of my night immediately, this had never happened to me before and she would be the perfect candidate to teach me about boys.

She lets out an incredulous laugh, "no way! Lakyn meeting a boy she actually likes. I'll be."

"You say that as if it weren't ever going to happen." I use faux-offense.

"You know that's know how I intended to sound." I can picture Chris's eye roll in my mind, "this is just a new occurrence, is all."

"I'm aware." I exhale, "that's why I rang you."

"I'm honored." She laughs, "who is this miracle man?"

"He's a friend of your boyfriend." I joke, dragging out the last syllable of the sentence.

"Of Chet's?" Chris gasps.

"Nope," popping the 'p' sound I continue, "of Knox's."

"Knox Overstreet is not my boyfriend." She insists.

"You invited him to a party." I fire back.

"Okay, well..." the changes the subject, "that's beyond the point. Who is this boy?"

"His name is Neil." I smile to myself, "Neil Perry. He auditioned for the play, and I'm sure he'll get the part."

"Of course he's an actor." Chris laughs, "he wooed you with his delicate and creative abilities, the perfect way to wriggle into your heart."

The sound of pattering footsteps can be hear from upstairs, and I assume I've somehow stirred my mother awake with all of my noise.

"I've got to go." I pause, "I'll tell you all about it tomorrow."

As soon as I put the phone back onto its hook, my mother appears at the top of the stairs in her nightdress.

"I'm glad you made it home sweetie." She smiles down at me, "do you plan to get to bed at a decent hour?"

"Of course mother." I laugh with amusement, "I'm heading up now."

"You seem awfully giddy." She tilts her head, "did you get along with everyone at the theatre?"

I pause, exhaling a breath through my nose. The smile stretched across my face unwavering, "something like that."

"That's great honey." She is clearly pleased, "I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night." I blow her a kiss, and watch as she turns back in the direction of the master bedroom.

I'm almost too excited about this evening to go to bed, but if I'd like to pay any attention in lecture tomorrow I'd ought to.

As I pull the dust pink colored duvet up to my chin, I can't help the grin that pulls itself across my face from ear to ear as I think about Neil, the rotary doors, and his admission of guilt to flirting with me.

I ponder where he plans to take us on a date, and I ponder where all of this will lead me.

Perhaps I will kiss him.

Though the idea scares me half to death, if there's anyone I'd like to kiss, it would be Neil Perry... even though he is a friend of my brother's.

Sorry, Charlie.

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