Chapter 4

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Third person point of view

Neil's smile is the widest it's ever been as he approaches Lakyn.

She smiles right back, ready to congratulate him and tell him that she was certain he'd get the park.

He lets out a deep laugh, "that felt amazing!"

Lakyn laughs as Neil runs over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders and giving her a gentle shake of excitement.

"You were wonderful Neil." She places her hands on his shoulders as well, offering him an assured look as she compliments his audition.

He nods towards the doors, signaling for her to follow as he exits.

"You really think so?" Neil asks, nervousness lacing his words in response to the compliment.

"Oh I know so, Neil Perry." She smirks as she closes the doors behind them.

"Neil Perry." He says aloud, secretly loving the way his name rolls off her tongue like poetry, "what's with the full name?"

"Are you not fond of it?" She asks, a certain playfulness in her eyes, "I like the way it sounds."

The two of them approach the spinning doors of the theatre.

"I like the way it sounds when you say it." Neil suggestively remarks, causing a flush to rise to Lakyn's cheeks as she enters one section of the rotary door.

To her surprise, instead of waiting for an empty section, Neil playfully crams himself inside with her.

"Neil!" She giggles as he extends his arms outwards to grab onto the handle, caging her between them.

Though she doesn't quite mind, she was willing to be a prisoner to his arms forever, and she still can't put into words the way that he's making her feel.

The two of them begin to walk forwards, the door slowly approaching the exit.

To Lakyn's surprised, Neil mumbles a hasty "keep up!"

Suddenly, the two of them are spinning round and round in the rotary doors.

"I have some energy I need to expend!" Neil shouts as they run in circles for what feels like ages, but also seconds at the same time.

The close proximity causes Neil's front to press against Lakyn as they spin, the two of them feeling the pressure of a thousand anvils from the tension of the contact.

The heat rises to Lakyn's cheeks, and a goofy, lopsided smile spreads across Neil's face as the two both share a moment of true enjoyment for the first time in ages.

Finally, Lakyn exits the rotary doors, stumbling forward dizzily with Neil's right arm over her shoulders as he joins her in her laughter.

The fall air was crisp and the sun had settled below the horizon as the two of them share this moment together.

Once their laughter dies down, the two of them shift from being toppled over with delight, to facing one another with goofy smiles.

"I thought you were going to run me over and crush me in the doors!" Lakyn exclaims, playfully shoving his shoulders backwards.

Neil puts his arms up as if to surrender, "I'd never have done that."

"Oh really, at the speed you were movie we almost broke those doors." Lakyn shakes her head with amusement.

"I could never have crushed you into those doors." Neil states, "that would be a horrible loss for me, and for everyone in your life."

Lakyn uses her hands to straighten out her dress, "a loss to you, huh?"

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