Chapter 6

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Lakyn had arrived early to the theatre, in order to begin painting one of the first backdrops for the play.

She was working on the piece that would be displayed during the final scene. She meant to start from the beginning, but her excitement got the better of her.

She'd been in love with this play in particular since she was young, and the very end when Puck addresses the audience himself was her favorite act.

At first, all of the chatter from the rest of the crew and the cast members had distracted her. Neil hadn't arrived prior to Lakyn, so she immediately set camp with her materials in a vacant dressing room.

Eventually, the noise from the stage fizzled away as she got lost in a world of brush strokes, and beautifully deep blues of the paint.

It was almost as if the art bled from her, as if it were dripping from her body like a natural substance and decorating the felt of the backdrop.

It was relaxing, the perfect distraction from the fact that today marks a year since her dad left. The perfect distraction from the fact that on the inside, she was shriveling up like a flower in the hot summer sun.

"Knock knock." Neil humorously announces his presence, and Lakyn looks up at him, her breath catching in her throat upon the sight of Neil leaning his tall body against the doorframe of the dressing room. A glint in his honey brown eyes like no other, and his hair slightly awry from the bike ride here.

He stands in his Welton uniform, the grey sweater hugging his body perfectly, and the black and red Welton tie tucked into the collar of his white button up underneath.

Lakyn smiles, her eyes lingering on his figure long enough for him to notice, before they make contact with his.

"Come in." She jokes, dipping her paintbrush into the cup of water next to her and sitting it off to the side.

"I couldn't find you when I first got here." Neil walks around the large canvas, sitting down beside her when he gets close enough, "I was scared you'd decided not to come."

"Of course not." She quickly refutes, "I wanted some peace and quiet. I needed to be alone."

Neil knew that she and Charlie weren't taking the divorce well by any means, and he didn't blame them, but he doesn't know why today is tugging on her heart strings in particular.

"Am I impeding?" Neil scrunches his eyebrows together, "I'll leave if-"

"No!" Lakyn places a hand on his forearm, and he blushes from the contact.

"No?" He gives her a lopsided smile.

"Stay." She nods, "you are my peace."

You are my peace. Neil repeats in his mind, perhaps too many times than acceptable.

He's never considered himself to be peaceful, his father has always made him feel quite the opposite; but something about the way she said it makes his heart flutter.

"I am?" His cheeks are flushed, but he doesn't try to hide it.

"Yes. Definitely part of it." She grins in return, her eyes moving between her painting and Neil.

"It's beautiful." Astonished, he drags his eyes over the details of the painting. A night sky of deep blues and charcoal, stars so intricately painted that he almost felt like they were real.

It only solidified his plan for their outing.

"Thank you." She whispers, tilting her head to an angle where she could gaze into his eyes.

"Course." Neil smiles that, slanted, charming grin and Lakyn practically melts.

"Does rehearsal not begin shortly?" She draws her eyebrows together.

The both of them were enjoying the moment, but she didn't wish for Neil to miss out on time doing something he loves, especially when it is so sacred that he's forced to do it in secret.

"That's right." Neil breathes, "I'll be taking you out afterwards."

"Oh I'm anticipating that." She allures, "where will you be taking me?"

"That's a secret." He quirks his eyebrows, getting back onto his feet and dusting off his trousers, before offering his hand to Lakyn who graciously accepts.

"Mysterious." She too straightens her clothes, the two of them only inches apart, "should I be afraid? Do you intend to kill me?"

Neil knew she was teasing by the devilish tone of her voice, and the playful look in her eyes.

"Never that." He brings his hand to his heart, "dead poets honor."

Lakyn draws her eyebrows together this time, "dead poets honor? What's that."

"A wonderful thing." He lifts her hand to his mouth again, pressing a lingering kiss to the soft skin there and flashing his gorgeous brown eyes at her, "as it is destined, I'll see you in about an hour for our date."

As Neil approaches the door to the tension filled changing room, a question squeezes into Lakyn's mind.

"Could I at least have a hint?" She quirks her eyebrows, leaning against the wall.

Neil can't help but admire how the dressing room lighting is acting as an accessory to her beauty, creating a glow to her that can only be compared to one of an angel.

"Course." His charmingly lopsided grin is apparent once more, "it's intimate."

The heat rises to her cheeks rather quickly, "are you taking me to your bedroom, Neil Perry?"

"Oh, lord no!" He assures rather quickly, "not that I wouldn't want to of course, but you deserve more respect than for me to assume that from you during our first date. I'm more than contented just spending time with you."

Lakyn's lips curve into a pleased smile, the reason being that she now knew two most important things about Neil. One, he is incredibly respectful, and truly interested in her. Two, he didn't deny wanting her in his bedroom.

"Not that I wouldn't want that of course," Lakyn playfully mocks him, causing a blush to rise to his cheeks.

Just then, their moment is interrupted by two solid knocks on the door, and Ginny, one of the other cast members peeks her head in.

"Time to run lines!" She smiles at Neil, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezing in a way that he only enjoyed from Lakyn.

Her smile draws to a straight line as she observes the interaction.

"If you don't mind." Neil steps out of her touch, "I was having a conversation with Lakyn."

"I'm not sure why you'd ever want to talk to her for more than five seconds." Ginny sneers, and as Neil opens his mouth to defend Lakyn, she interrupts, "Mrs. Woolsworth would like to start rehearsals in five minutes."

With that, Lakyn's gaze had averted from Neil out of embarrassment, and the door pulls to a close.

He was quick to notice her shift in mood, taking a confident step towards her again and placing two fingers under her chin, tilting her head so that she was looking at him.

"Five seconds is not merely enough time to be talking with you." Neil exhales, "five lifetimes is not merely enough time to be talking with you. Do not listen to her."

Lakyn reaches her right hand upwards, placing her delicate fingertips onto the skin of Neil's cheek, causing his heart to explode.

"You are extraordinary." Her blue eyes glisten with admiration, "thank you."

"No, thank you." He places emphasis on the last word, "now continue your beautiful painting, I'll meet you in the lobby right as rehearsals end."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Lakyn responds, the two grinning so wide that their cheeks start to ache as Neil exits the dressing room, and Lakyn returns to her paint.

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