mom issues - sj

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Name: Mia (sorry can't be bothered writing y/n 😔)
Age: 15
- Mia has a fight with her mom before having to head off to set for the day. When she gets there Scarlett notices a change in Mia's demeanour and offers to comfort her.
I woke up this morning to my walking alarm, AKA, my mother. She was in the kitchen, I presume as the blender was on full blast, and I could hear it from across the hallway. As I get out of bed and make my way to greet her, I can already sense her mood. Great, I have to deal with this before I have a full day on set.

"Morning" I mumble, she turns to me and hums. She takes the blender off the motor and begins pouring what looks to be a green smoothie into two large glasses. "Here you go", she hands me the glass. I try not to roll my eyes at the obvious attempt to "boost my immune system" as she likes to say, so instead I force a smile. I go to the dining table to sit down with my smoothie while I intend to read a chapter of my book, all before I was interrupted by her, again. "Mia, aren't you forgetting something?", I cringe at the attitude laced into her tone. "Your vitamins" my mom replies frowning. I sigh and return back to the kitchen to retrieve my vitamin box.

I have this container for my vitamins which my mom has so kindly made up for me. It's divided into the days of the week and she always pesters me to take them everyday. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for immune health, but she is constantly riding me about eating healthy, and taking my vitamins, and exercising. And with all honesty, I don't have a problem with doing those things, but the way she persists every waking minute of the day, at this point it is all she talks to me about. Not only this but her restrictions on my eating have gotten severely worse when I started acting. Once I landed this role, in the film, 'A Home Away', the role I am amidst shooting currently, she has forced me to bring a packed lunch, if you can even call it that.

A 100 gram serving of plain quinoa and 50 grams of cooked spinach, and literally nothing else. Sure at least she is feeding me, but it makes me feel terrible about myself. She projects her insecurities onto me and quite frankly, I can't take it anymore. Once I return to the dining table and empty out the 24 vitamins marked for the day Monday, I begin to ingest them while drinking my smoothie. Unfortunately, one of the vitamins gets stuck throughout this process, causing me to gag. I run to the kitchen sink and spit out the remainders of what were vitamins. The after taste lingers in my mouth and I quickly pour myself a glass of water to wash the taste out.

"Are you fucking serious Mia? You've just spat out all of your vitamins" she hisses, "I'm sorry, I was choking, one of them got stuck. I didn't mean to", I choke out. She just nods her head, "you know, I don't ask you to take them because they taste good Mia, I ask you to take them because they help with your immune system and building a better physique", she states. Here we go again about my body, can I not live 5 minutes without her mentioning my body and gut health. "You don't really ask though, you require", I mutter. Her head snaps back towards me, oh great I've really done it this time. "I'm sorry that the nutritious meals I make for you aren't enough, I'm sorry that I want my daughter to be healthy", here the victim goes again. "Yeah but it seems like you burden me with your own insecurities, and it is super frustrating when I am a growing teenager, and my diet is restricted to quinoa" I retort.

"Oh, I'm just a terrible mother, a terrible mother who has fed her daughter good food and vitamins to keep her well, I'm sorry I'm such a terrible mother, Mia" she snarls. I look away in defeat, whenever she victimises herself I automatically lose. She will never accept that she has ruined my body image and crushed my self esteem. I just turn around and head back upstairs to my room to get ready for the day, I have to be on set in 45 minutes, and by the way things rolled out this morning, I'll doubt mom would even consider taking me. I chose a plain t shirt and sweats, considering I'll be changing when I get there, and I also decided that I was going to pack a bag with a couple of spare changes of clothes and necessities so I can spend a couple nights in my trailer, I think it's for the best.

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