struggles - nr & wm

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Request from prentissdaughter don't know if you're still working on this book, but if you are comfortable with writing about how
Y/N is struggling with self harm, Wanda and Nat are her foster moms who took her in because nobody wanted a teenager. They find her in her room one night having a panic attack and they comfort her. I don't really mind how the rest of the story goes or if you add or take out anything.

THANKS FOR REQUESTING!!!! Gives me so much motivation anyway please request if you want anything!!

Mia is 15
Wanda and Nat are together

Also if you don't like sensitive topics this will talk about like cutting yourself and shit!
Mias POV
I've been living with Wanda and Natasha for nearly 3 months now. To say it has been a wild ride would be an understatement. They have been so loving and caring to me this whole journey, but my past keeps creeping up at me, also the thought of them leaving is so hard to bear. It hurts to think about. I've grown quite attached to them, and since they are superheroes it makes me especially scared of their whereabouts at times.

I've struggled with self harm for nearly 3 years. My old foster homes have been torture. Sure they added character and personal development, but the past that lingers keeps me up at night, I can't ever focus in my classes, even when my new foster parents talk to me it is on my mind. Cutting is the only way to ease the pain of the past. It's the only way to distract myself from what I've done and what I've been through.

Obviously Wanda and Natasha do not know this. We live on a large acre of land near a river in upstate NY. We are currently transitioning from winter to spring and they don't really feel question me wearing long sleeves all the time. If they did they would find the large gashes which travel up to the crease of my elbows. I can't really tell if I'm trying to kill myself or not. Sometimes I go really deep into my skin as a way to puncture the vein, but I always regret it when I feel too fatigued to do anything.

I'm currently sitting on my bathroom floor, butchering my arms. Ultimately I decided I should stop because Wanda will be coming in soon to braid my hair for bed time. I dry the flowing blood and roll down my sleeves. The door quickly knocks and Wanda enters the bathroom without hesitation. "Hi love, you ready for me to braid your hair?" She asks in a sweet tone. I watch as her eyes flick to the blood soaked toilet paper sitting on the counter. Shit, I forgot to flush it down the toilet. Before she can say anything I grab it and throw it away. I sit on the stool and wait for her to leave the doorframe to do my hair. "Mia!! Are you okay what happened why was that tissue soaked with blood?" She asks frightened clearly her reaction was delayed.

"Don't worry, it's nothing just my nose but I managed to stop the bleeding" I lied, through the reflection I could see her eyes widening at me. I just brushed it off hoping she would forget the whole situation.

Wanda POV
At first when Mia told me the story, I tried to just brush it off. But then as I was finishing her second French plait, I noticed a red liquid on her navy long sleeve, blood. I waited till she settled back into watching TV before going to explain the situation to Nat.

I'm nervous to explain to Natasha because she has been quite overly protective of Mia since fostering her. Nat and I are planning to adopt Mia soon, she doesn't know about it yet, but Nat definitely knows about her troubled past. Not a lot, but enough to know she has been through a lot at a young age. I don't want Nat to overreact, it could be a simple matter of her wiping her sleeve on her nose, but we won't know until we confront her.

I knock on the office door and enter. Nat turns in her chair to face me, "Oooh hi my baby" she stands up and engulfs me in a hug. She quickly pecks me. " how can I help you, my love" she asks pursing her lips. "Baby, is it okay if I sit, this is quite serious. Her face immediately drops. She moves for me to sit on the office bench next to her.

"As I entered the bathroom to help Mia braid her hair, I noticed a blood soaked tissue on the bench" I explain, "I asked her what had happened and she just said a nose bleed, but then when I was braiding her hair I noticed blood soaking through the sleeve of her shirt" Nat looked at me, a frown evident on her face. "Oh my baby" is all that she says. I just wrap my hand around her, "oh Wanda thank you for telling me, we should plan a way to confront her without it seeming like she is in trouble. We need to get her past this" Nat responds.

"She is sitting downstairs watching TV, should we go ask her now?" I ask, Nat nods. "I think so, that way we can combat the issue faster" we both get up and make our way down stairs into the living room. As we approach the couch, Mia is giggling, while watching an episode of 'Succession', oh how I don't want to break this outer happiness. But we really have to console this poor girl, and stop her from hurting herself.

Nats POV
Mia turned to us as she heard the footsteps behind her. "Hi guys, is everything okay?" She asks us and pauses the episode. I take Wanda's hand and drag her to the couch next to Mia. I sit on Mia's other side. "Mia, baby, we have something we need to talk to you about" I start, looking at Wanda to continue the story.

"Honey when I was braiding your hair, I noticed something on your sleeve, I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to us. It could all just be a misunderstanding, but do you mind rolling up your sleeves for us babe?" Wanda asks softly. Mia's eyes shoot up at the mention of sleeves. Tears fill her eyes but she manages to blink them away.

Mias POV
How did they even find out, not only will they see my new cuts, but they will see all the faded scars below. How am I supposed to show them, I cannot be too vulnerable. After Wanda's proposition, I immediately shake my head no. "There is nothing to see, I have no idea what you're talking about" I lie. Natasha takes my hands in hers and slowly rubs her thumb over my palms. "Please baby, just let us in, we want to help you" Natasha begs. Tears slowly escape my eyes and my hands manage to leave her grasp. I hold my arms out, unable to complete the most painful step of this whole ordeal. As Wanda and Natasha each roll back a sleeve, I burst into uncontrollable tears. I look down to see them both planting kisses onto my new wounds. I've never experienced love like this before them, I hope this lasts forever.

Once they had finished kissing better the last of my wounds the rolled back the sleeves. I just sunk back into the couch, I don't think I'm able to take accountability for what I've done to myself. I bury my face in my hands. Wanting this unwanted attention to go away. "Baby, it's okay we are not mad at you" I hear Wanda's soft voice say to me as her hands move the hair caught underneath my hands. "Why not? You've given me such a wonderful life here and this is how I repay you? You should be livid" I reply, head still buried in my hands. I feel my head get lifted back by someone. Suddenly I'm leaning onto Natasha while Wanda holds my hands tightly.

"Baby, you have been through so much, and we don't blame you for hurting. We just don't want you to hurt anymore and we are so proud of you for letting us in" Natasha tells me while kissing my head. I just look down, I still feel terribly guilty they had to find out. "Mia, we would do anything for you, because we love you" Wanda then says and plants a kiss to my cheek. I scrunch my nose in the hot air she blew in my face.

"Oh and Mia, we have something else we want to ask you about" Natasha says from above me. I squirm in her embrace, I've heard this twice now in the span of 10 minutes and knowing that phrase, it can't be good. I just nod, unable to say anything at this point.

"Would you like us to be your parents, your moms forever?" Natasha asks. I turn and look up at her. She is smiling wide and nodding. Tears are quick to flow out of my eyes. "Is that a yes honey?" Wanda asks, I croak out a giggle, "yes, yes one thousand times yes!" They both wrap me in their embrace and we fall asleep cuddling.

sorry I haven't updated in a while!!!! I've been super busy with school work unfortunately but I'll try update more

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