No parents - eo, sj

335 5 2

Mia - 17
She is emancipated from her formally manipulative parents. She is an actress working on set of Avengers Infinity War. Lizzie and scarlett help her, also they are wives ✌️

Mia's POV:
recently I've been staying in my trailer. Mainly because I've disowned my parents and have nowhere to live. But, nobody else knows this, besides Kevin and the producers because they are arranging my pay. They said they wouldn't share this information without my consent which I'm thankful for. I don't really know what I'd do if this got out. A high school rumour is one thing, but a rumour flying around the set of a film filled with A list celebrities, yeah does not sound like fun to me.

My character, Diana Belatrix, is a former widow and now the accomplice of Natasha Romanoff. And, since Kevin enacted the 'Wandanat' relationship as they call it, most of my scenes are with Scarlett Johansson or Elizabeth Olsen. They have been so lovely to me these first couple of weeks we have been filming for. They have invited me out with them numerous times, and quite frankly I think it's safe to say that we are friends. I mean I wish they were like my parents or something, but I'd happily settle for friends.

As I get up from my bed inside the trailer, I quickly get ready. I didn't even notice the time, and if they figure out that I've been staying overnight in here they will be wanting to know answers. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the special knock at the door. "Shit!" I mutter, they must be early. I scramble to put sweatpants and a t shirt on, before opening the door to be greeted with my two favourites. "Hi guys, you're early today" I say as I motion for them to come inside. "Yeah, so are you, did you stay here overnight?" Scarlett asks, glancing at the unclean dishes from last night and the messy bed. Shoot, how am I supposed to get out of this one? I stay silent, my answer already a dead giveaway. Scarlett places her bags down onto my counter and Lizzie does the same, "Now where is our hug, missy?" Lizzie asks smirking. I just smile sticking my hands out, waiting for their embrace. First, Scarlett engulfs me in a warm hug, then Lizzie comes up behind me and traps me between her and Scarlett. They called this the Mia burrito.

"Now tell us Mia, why did you stay here overnight, didn't your scenes finish at 4pm?" Lizzie asks as she pulls away from the hug and sits down on the small sofa. "Well, you see it's a long story" I begin, not really sure whether to lie or tell the truth. Ultimately, lying seemed like the right idea at the time. I mean, I don't want to burden them with this stupid emancipation stuff. It happened before I knew them. "We're listening" Scarlett adds, looking into my eyes. I look down, "well basically, I got a call from my mom saying I couldn't come home last night because my dad was sick, and she didn't want to risk me getting sick, which would then delay filming" I quickly pull the story out of my ass. Lizzie doesn't really look convinced, "then how do you have spare clothes?" She asks me, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly. "Oh-uh well because I've kept them in here from the start. You know, just in case" I chuckle.

"So you guys excited for the make out scene today?" I ask, trying to change the subject, "don't try and change the subject young lady" Scarlett pushes, she is sounding an awful lot like my mom at this moment. "I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to I-", I was cut off, bye Lizzie scooping my cheeks into her hands. "it's okay honey, just tell us the truth, you're not the best liar" she laughs as she pulls me down to the sofa.

We cuddle for a while until it's time to get hair and makeup done. Luckily they haven't mentioned the trailer thing again, I don't really know if I can convincingly divert the conversation again.

Time skip: 5 hours

It has been a tiring day to say the least, honestly, acting may not seem like a tough job to most, but it definitely takes its toll. After the day was over I said my farewells to everyone and sneakily made my way back to my trailer. I played my favourite movie 'Lost In Translation' while I made myself pasta on the small stove. I thought i was being quiet, hell I thought I was the only one on this set.

KNOCK KNOCK. My face grew pale. Who else could it be? "Mia, we know you're in there. Open up" I hear Lizzie's voice boom from outside. I brace myself for the inevitable moment which is about to unfold. I slowly open the door to greet the two actresses, "hey guys, what's up?" I ask with a shaky breath. "You know exactly what is up, young lady" Scarlett replies with a stern face. I move out of the way to let them in.

I return to my cooking, avoiding the gazes from both the Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow. "So Mia, care to enlighten us as to why you are here again?" Lizzie asks crossing her arms. I gulp at the confrontation, I don't do good in these situations, it's half the reason I disowned my parents.

"Guys it's fine, it's my parents again, my mom is still really sick" I choke out. Happy I formulated some kind of answer. "Didn't you say it was your dad who was sick missy?" Scarlett queries. The colour drains from my face. "I- I" I begin, before I'm cut off. "Honey it's okay, you can tell us the truth. We just want to help" Lizzie says softly directing us to the sofa.

"Now, what's going on in that head of yours" scarlett asked while brushing the hair out of my face. "Well, the truth is, I no longer stay with my parents because they are no longer my parents" I say, unable to make eye contact. "Honey please look at me" Lizzie says, slowly pulling my chin upwards to look her.

"Honey what happened?" Scarlett asked while rubbing my knee. "It's a long story okay, I don't want to burden you guys. I'm staying here from now on, I'm a legal adult technically" I reply with a huff.

"Oh baby, you are coming home with us. This isn't acceptable for you to be alone" Lizzie says as she swiftly picks me up. All that training really does something. "Lizzie what are you doing. I'm fine" I say. She just shakes her head and waits outside for scarlett as she turns of the heat of the stove.

The drive back to their place was quiet. Quiet but peaceful. I followed them out of the car and into their home. I had been here quite a few times, but this instance, it felt different. "Come on honey, just through here" Scarlett said as she led me to the guest bedroom. They explained how I could go into their bedroom down the hall if I needed anything. I thanked them and drifted off to sleep.

Time skip: 6 hours

It was 2am in the morning, I had just woken up abruptly after a nightmare. A single nightmare which keeps replaying in my head. It was the day I overheard my parents conversation about wanting to kill me for my money. I quickly got up out of bed and went to their kitchen to grab a glass of water. Since I was familiar with the area, it wasn't too hard to find in the dark. The haunting memories forced tears down my cheeks as I drank my water.

The sound of footsteps startled me. I quickly placed my water glass on the counter and wiped my eyes before turning to whoever was behind me. I was met with a nervous Scarlett. "Hey babe, why are you up?" She asks softly while approaching me in the kitchen for a hug. I just shrug and mumble something incoherent. "Baby, have you been crying?! What's wrong please tell me I'll try make it better" Scarlett pleads as she notices the fallen tears resting on my cheeks.

I just shake my head and tell her I'll go to bed now. She simply says no and drags me into her room. "Scarlett what are you doing? I don't want to be a burden" I whisper shout. "Nonsense love, please I know Lizzie won't mind" she replies and kisses my forehead. The mention of Lizzie's name causes her to stir away. "Baby, is everything okay" lizzie asked while rubbing her eyes. "Yes my lovely, I just said to Mia that she could stay with us" she replies softly while motioning for me to lay in the middle of the bed.

I lay down next to Lizzie and I am immediately engulfed in a warm embrace. Both scarlett and Lizzie wrap their arms around me. And I subconsciously gravitate towards Lizzie uncovered chest, the exposed room from her pyjama tank. I lay my head down and she snuggles into me further. Scarlett traps my body between them and I feel her wrap her arms around my waist.

Their warm cuddles make me feel at home, they make me feel loved. As much as I'm grateful I'm alone because of what my parents were planning, there is a large part of me that longs for affection like this, affection of parents.

sorry for long waits!!! It is getting harder to update with school but I'll try update on both my stories more often. Pleaseeeee request!!!!! Like I'm begging at this point but I don't care, pleasseeeee anything I'll write

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