baby - nr

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Mia is 15

Basically Mia has joined the avengers like a year ago, and she moved into the compound 6 months ago, but because she is the youngest, she is seen as the "baby", and it upsets her and nat comforts her.
Mia's POV:
Around here, my name wasn't Mia. It was either "baby", "babe", or "bubs". Did I have a choice in this decision? No. The whole entire idea about me being a baby sparked from the fact I'm the youngest in the team. But, it seems like sometimes the way I act can also be perceived as babyish, and the realisation of this has been very hard to grapple.

As my alarm went off this morning for 6am, I got up, got changed, and headed to the training room. Natasha was already training, not a surprise. I wanted to greet her properly, but the thoughts of being a baby have completely altered my view on these relationships I have here. Natasha is the closest avenger to me, perhaps even the closest person to me. She is basically like my mother. But, now all of a sudden, when reflecting on our relationship, I feel a weighing pressure that I'm a burden to her, and that I'm putting her through agony. I'm not totally sure if it's my anxiety talking here, but it's better safe than sorry.

I make my way to the other side of the training room, where the chin up bars are. The sound of my footsteps alerts Nat of my arrival, she whips her head to my direction, and begins making her way over to me from the punching bags. "Hey baby, why didn't you say hi?" She says, engulfing me in a warm hug, I just shrugged. How am I supposed to respond. She pulls out of the hug and strokes the hair in my face away and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Okay, you begin your training love, I'll let you get back" she says returning to the punching bags she was abusing.

I adjust the bar height for my chin ups, I think Steve was using this last or something, the bar is like 6 feet high. Once adjusted, I begin to do my chin ups. I feel awfully weird, something about the bar is feels wrong. I brush off the feeling, that is until the bar dismantles from the stand and comes down hitting me in the forehead. The bar I was holding immediately falls out of my grasp as I take my face in my hands. The sound of the bar falling onto the floor catches the attention of Natasha, but when she sees me, she lets out a yelp.

She sprints over from across the room to check on me, "Baby, baby, are you okay my love. What happened" she asked trying to coax me down. The impact of the bar hitting my forehead has induced a sharp reoccurring pain. I sigh, I don't really feel like explaining myself, especially if I'm going to be treated like a baby. Natasha hums and my lack of response, "it's okay baby, come on" she reaches down to pick me up. I quickly scramble away from her. "I am not a baby, I am not anyone's baby" I say sternly, making a quick exit for the door, leaving Natasha speechless.

Natasha's POV:
I don't know what is wrong with Mia, first of all, she hardly greets me this morning. Then after her accident she has an outburst about being called "baby". I've known her for a year now, and I think our bond is impeccable. I think of her as my own, and even though I have never admitted that to her, I thought it was some unspoken agreement between the two of us, but I guess not. It seems like I've struck a nerve somehow, and I really want to repair it, because quite frankly, she is my favourite person.

I head out of the training room and make my way to the living quarters. I head down the hallway until I reach her room. I gently knock on the door, but all I'm met with is a loud "go away!" From Mia. I decide to ignore her words and open the door. I shut it immediately and turn the lock, I don't want anyone coming in right now. "Mia baby, could you please tell me what's wrong. What have I done?" I pleaded, making my way to her bed where she was cuddled up in. "Just go, Nat" she says coldly. I'm quite taken aback by her tone, I've never heard her talk like this before.

"Are you mad that I call you baby? Because I can stop Mia, really" I say, trying to coax her cries from a distance. "That's going to be hard to do considering I am just a big baby. A baby who can't seem to do anything on her own without the help of you or the team" she mutters. I think I'm starting to understand her struggles now. "Honey, I don't think you can't do things on your own, I love spending time with you" I say to her. "No Nat, I'm a burden to you, and everyone else for that matter, I can feel it. Can you please just go away" she begs.

I can't stand this anymore, I move closer to her on her bed and wrap my arms around her. She starts squirming at first but then relaxes into my embrace. "Mia, the reason I call you baby, differs from why the team does" I begin, "sure you are the youngest here, but I think we have a connection with each other" my voice begins trembling as I prepare myself to become vulnerable. "I can't have children Mia, I cannot get pregnant. I thought all hope of me starting a family was long gone, that was until I met you" I explain to her, as tears stream from my eyes. I've never cried before in front of her, and the sound of my quiet whimpers makes her turn to face me. She carefully wipes the tears from my face and plants a kiss on my nose. "I'm sorry m- Nat" she says, "I just don't like feeling so out of place here. I don't like feeling like an added pressure to the people in this tower, and mainly to you" she elaborates, I nod. "I'm really sorry, and I don't know if you think it would be any difference, but you could be my mom?" She asks me. My eyes widen at her words, never would I have expected her to ask me this question.

I hug her even tighter, planting kisses all over her face and then one last peck on her lips. "There is nothing more in the world I would want more than for you to be my daughter, baby" I say. As we begin settling into each other's embrace, I remember her head. "Oh my god, baby, is your head okay?" I ask frantically, "yes mama" she says to me, the sudden switch in name forces tears to well in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that" she says nervously, "it's okay my baby, I would love it if you called me that, you do not know how long I've waited to have a child of my own!" I say smiling.

We practically melt together and fall back asleep. Even though we managed to sort through her outburst, that isn't even comparable to how she know calls me mama. I have a baby, and my baby has a mama. I think my life is slowly being fulfilled. Maybe one day we can move to a place together, just us, baby and mama.

Done!! Hope you like it. Hope it made sense to he honest... please request!!! I'll literally do anything 🙏

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