sick - eo

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Mia throws up before school and lizzie comforts her.

Mia - 15

Mia's POV:
I woke up with a headache and an upset stomach. I despise being sick, not only does it disrupt my usual routine and makes me feel gross, but it also forces mom or dad to look after me. And even though I'm still a minor, and most say it's a parent's duty to help their children when their sick, I hate disrupting my parents, because they are such busy people, I hate interrupting their hard work.

Don't get me wrong, my mom, is the best mom in the whole world, she is my best friend. And the same goes for my dad. They are incredible loving parents. It's just that deliberately set aside time for me, a lot of time which I'm extremely grateful for, because I understand how busy their schedules are, but when I interrupt their work despite their efforts to plan for me and around me, I feel like a massive let down.

So, when I got up this morning, I decided not to cause worry before school. I am just going to suck it up and hope it passes. I make my bed, and open my blinds to see the sun blaring straight at me. The quick change of lighting makes my head spin. I fall to the ground. I don't know why I feel like this. I can't even stand up in sunlight. I don't know how I'm supposed to hide this from my Mom. I quickly regain my muscles and hoist myself off from the ground and leave my bedroom to head downstairs. As I'm approaching the kitchen, I can hear Mom humming a song and I just smile. "Hi mama" I croak out, Mom immediately snaps her head around to me at the state of my voice. "My baby, what's wrong?" Mom asks me, while gently caressing my cheeks. "Oh no, it's nothing, I just had a rough sleep" I lie, trying to avoid more of her questions. Mom squints her eyes at me, trying to decode my expression. She doesn't seem convinced.

"Here babe, I made you some avocado on toast!" Mom says chirpily. My stomach immediately declines, just the thought of eating right now makes me want to throw up. "I'm sorry mom, I'm not hungry" I say with a quiet voice, embarrassed that I'm refusing to eat the meal she made me. I see her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Are you sure everything is alright Mia? You're also looking awfully pale", I just sigh and take the plate of avocado toast. Maybe I'll feel better once I've had breakfast. I slowly eat the piece of avocado toast, groaning with discomfort with each mouthful. Mom's worried glances don't go unnoticed, but I just try to block it out. Once I'm finished I thank mom and clean my dish, and then head back upstairs to get changed for school.

As I'm halfway up the staircase, I feel a piercing sensation in my stomach, and I begin to gag. I sprint into the upstairs bathroom, and hang my head over the toilet and immediately I begin throwing up. The uncomfortable feeling of the vomit scraping my throat induces so much pain that I begin to cry. I start to hear footsteps approaching behind me, but I can't stop. I feel my hair get pulled up, and the feeling of my mom's hand on my back. She slowly starts rubbing it in a circular motion, and I can't help crying even harder. "Shh, it's okay, just let it out", my mom whispers soothingly.

When the vomiting finally stops, I lift my head up and I feel my mom turn my body, but I can't look her in the eyes. "I'm sorry mama, I'll finish getting ready now" I say to her, still not meeting her gaze. I start to stand up but she pulls me back down and sits me on her lap, facing her. "Baby, you aren't going to school today, I can't let you!" She replies soothingly while planting kisses on the top of my head. I sigh in defeat, "well I can't let you stay home to look after me, your work is more important" I say, wiping the fallen tears on my cheek with my pyjama sleeve. I look up to see mom furrowing her eyebrows, "baby, what do you mean? Of course I'll stay home with you. I'll call work now. They won't mind" she tells me, but I just nod my head. "No mom please, you put enough time aside for me, you shouldn't have to delay shooting for me", I say quietly.

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