sleepovers - eo

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Basically, Mia has been cast alongside Lizzie in 'Love Child' to play her daughter (just go with it the movie isn't out yet) and Lizzie invited Mia to her house for a sleepover to get in the 'mother daughter' feel.

Mia - 16

Mia's POV:
Ever since being cast alongside one of my favourite actors of all time, my life has changed drastically. This film I'll be working on in about 4 weeks, 'Love Child' stars Elizabeth Olsen, and I've been cast as the supporting actress who is playing her daughter. As soon as I landed this role I've just been so eager to begin shooting, it's my biggest role yet! My parents don't really approve of my job. They always call acting a waste of time. Whenever I would flunk auditions or fail to get callbacks, they would constantly remind me of how I'm not good enough, and how I should find a different occupation. Luckily I don't let it get to me, at least I didn't. Once I booked this job, I thought their hatred towards me and my blooming career would fade and they would realise maybe it isn't a waste of time. Yet their insults have practically doubled! So, it is safe to say that when Elizabeth asked me to stay with her for a couple of nights to get to know each other, I said yes immediately.

I've packed all of my stuff, I have a weeks change of clothes, as Elizabeth never specified when I would be returning home, but she said she had some fun stuff planned, so to say I'm excited would be an understatement. Elizabeth told me she would pick me up at 8:00am, and it's currently 7:55am, I'm all ready waiting outside for her, I decided not to farewell my parents as they would probably induce a bad mood anyway, and they also would probably offend Elizabeth, and that would quite frankly mortify me to the point of no return. I saw her pull up outside of my house and I began walking down to her. When she saw me, she quickly hopped out of the car to greet me. "Hi my lovely" she says with a smile as she hugs me. "Hi Ms Olsen!" I say, you see, I've only met her a handful of times, and coming from my home, I've learned that disrespecting adults will result in a good punishment, therefore when I meet new people, I don't test my luck.

"Honey, I've told you so many times, you can call me Lizzie, please 'Ms Olsen' makes me sound so old" she exclaims while giggling, she lifts my bag into the trunk and makes her way back into the drivers seat while I buckle into the passenger seat. "I'm sorry L-Lizzie I just didn't want to be rude", I say still adjusting to the name change. She grabs my hand, "don't worry about it lovey, let's go have fun!" She explains beginning to drive off.

When we make it back to her house, I'm shocked to say the least, not only is it massive, but it is so beautiful. It has vines and plants scattered all throughout the front yard, it screams Lizzie. "Your house is so beautiful" I compliment, gushing at all of the flowers planted. "Haha, thank you, I think I've mentioned how much I like gardening before" she says, "yes and it most definitely paid off" I say with a smile. She gives me a brief tour of the house, before showing me to the guest room, where I'll presumably stay. I place my bag down and Lizzie grabs my hand and drags me back down the stairs, "Lizzie, what are we doing?" I ask giggling, "well, I thought we could watch a movie or two? Just to start us off" Lizzie exclaimed as she made herself comfortable on the couch. She moved herself to the corner, then patted the space between her legs, motioning for me to join her.

My love language is most definitely physical touch, my parents however aren't really big on it, they don't really hug me ever, and to be quite frank, I don't remember the last time I was hugged. I hesitantly make my way to sit in between Lizzie's legs. And to my surprise, she pulls me back so I'm leaning on her while she encloses me with her legs. "Is this not uncomfortable to you?" I ask her, afraid that she might be forcing herself to hug me. "No silly not at all! I love cuddles!" She says, while draping her arms around me to lock me in. I lean my head back onto her chest and we choose our movie.

As the movie progresses, the comfort as well as my position, which is practically lying down, inevitably makes me tired. I try to stay awake, but I can't seem to manage. I doze off before the first movie even finishes.

Lizzie's POV:
I notice Mia fell asleep, so I decided it would be best to take her to bed. Obviously we will do more activities in the next days, I honestly just want her to be well rested, so we can have some fun! I scoot her up a little from my chest so I can sit up, then I scoop her up bridal style. As I'm heading up the stairs, poor Mia is letting out shivers, she must be cold so I swiftly make it into her room, I mean the guest room. I place her on the bed then engulf her in the covers, so she is nice and warm. I place a kiss on her forehead and turn around to exit, "Lizzie" I hear from behind me, I make my way back over to her, "Yes, my love?" I ask while stroking the fly away bits of hair away from her face, "C-can you stay with me, please?" She asks sweetly. I audibly aww at her cute voice. She opens her eyes and pouts at me, "please Lizzie, I want cuddles" she says.

I hop in and wrap my arms around her, she immediately melts at the touch and basically lifts her whole entire body onto me. I'm enjoying these cuddles, I'm very excited to work with Mia, she is a very talented actress. So spending these next few days with her will be rewarding for our blossoming relationship! I soon drift off to sleep thinking about the next few days, with Mia on top of me, clinging onto me like I'm going to disappear.

Sorry this is bad. Let me know if you want a part two. Also pleaseee can somebody request something? I'll literally write anything

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