2. One more passenger

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    Kael barely managed to fly his ship to the close by trading station Travix. More times than he could count, it was on the brink of exploding and with it, him as well. He could swear he saw Cetanu a few times coming to take him.

    This time the fucking bad blood was waiting for him with an ambush prepared. Even if Kael managed to damage the enemy ship, his own was almost destroyed.

    Still, he managed to attach a tracker; now, as long as that dishonorable shit didn't abandon his ship, he'll be able to find him no matter where he is hidden.

    After barely docking on Travix, he spent a few days in the medical pod, then he requested the shipyard for a confidential system evaluation and the following ship repairs.

    He needed a new ship for his hunt, one that was small and fast. One that was not known and tracked by his clan or the elders.

    And so, for the next few days, with the help of his cloaking and a bit of money in the right hands, he discovered a proper ship for his plans. An Andalurian military Slicer, one that was just being upgraded with a new generation antimatter converter.

    Just what he needed except the impossibility of using cloaking.

    Kael knew his plan was not honorable. Stealing a ship and its owner was what bad blood would do. Even more so when the said owner was a weak female, but he felt he was at the end of the rope.

    He could not trust his clan and elders anymore. He knew not who the betrayers were, and he would die first before letting that bad blood escape.

    It's been more than a year since his clan lord was murdered and he went on a chase for the killer. Time and time again, he followed that abomination's traces to find that he was already gone. Gone just a day or two before, even hours.

    As time passed, the only logical conclusion he could infer was that someone was feeding that bad blood information about him. There was at least one more bad blood in his clan and maybe even in the Elder Council.

    Kael even started to have the feeling his ship was tracked by them. It made him see red with rage. He needed to change tactics.

    His last rapport with the clan stated that his ship needed to spend more than two months docked for repairs, and he was badly hurt.

    It was an exaggeration so he could get time with his enemies relaxed and unguarded

    Squeezing his thigh with his left-hand claws to chase away the rage, he drank all the c'ntlip left in the bottle. If the information gathered during the last two days was correct, that female should come to this pub tonight.

    His fiery eyes were almost making a hole through the entrance metallic door.

    Kael tensed as the door opened again, and a small human entered. At first, he couldn't be sure if it was her. The cap brim was hiding the face. When that human stopped walking and looked towards the bar, he knew.

    The prey was here.

    A small and pale face surrounded a pair of deep verdant green - like his back home jungle - eyes. A smile bloomed on her face and made Kael focus on her red lips and white round teeth.

    An aggressive sign for a predator, but most of the time, an expression of joy for humans

    Wanting to hear and understand the discussion with the two bartenders, he donned his mask back on. She seemed to be in a good mood. From what he found out, this female worked hard for years to upgrade her ship and be able to leave this space sector.

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