3. Hunted

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    The second morning, Ana as usual took a shower and masturbated fast for a good day which made the spying yautja feel uncomfortable again. After drying and dressing she wanted to put the book she was reading last night back on the shelf. Leaning to grab it she stopped mid-action with a frown. Her eyes darted around as her mind processed the difference that was bugging her.

    She remembered she left it open with a cover-up down on the floor next to the bed. Now the book is closed. Still energized by the shower slash cum she threw the idea to the back of her mind as a simple confusion. She put the book back and went to eat.

    Kael saw her hesitation and chuckled in his mind. He could stay hidden for a few days, "why not play with this little prey a bit and see how she reacts," he decided right then. He usually traveled alone, and even when he was with other clan members, the ship would still feel empty except for moments when they spared or made strategies for a hunt.

    Spending every minute with someone –a prey not to kill but to capture and subdue– was new to him and aroused his hunting instincts. It made his hands itch and so he started planning how to leave small traces around.

    Ana took yesterday's lunch leftovers and reheated them. Quite happy when she managed to eat all of it fast she laughed in her mind, "Ana, Ana you disliked this cheese so much your mind made this leftover seem like a whole pot." She was amused by the fact that disliking the dish made her believe it was too much and she would not be able to eat it all.

    Her mom taught her not to throw food away. Someone out there worked hard to grow or hunt it and even if it was not her, she worked hard for the money used to buy it.

    Her shoulders shrugged quickly while already thinking about the subject she would be studying today. It took her hours to make a detailed comparison between affordable 'luxury' products she could buy on Arka03 that were sought after in the next places she planned to visit.

    She still has enough credits for a bit of spending and emergencies but if she could buy from a visited place and sell for a profit in the next she'll not refuse it. Every credit counts. That's how she managed to buy the convertor that gives the Slicer her spank now.

    "That's it!" she stuck her fist in the console with a wide grin. "Satrivoles eggs are just in season and it seems you can't miss with Vashkshra pollen-infused alcohol if I manage to find someone to sell it to me at the right price."

    Satisfied with her find she leaned on the chair back lifting her legs also.

    "Slic please play my energy playlist," as the music started Ana maneuvered the chair to lean more towards the back and closed her eyes. Her head and feet were moving with the music, even singing here and there.

    Kael was not interested in trading at all but was a bit impressed by her organized and meticulous research. Like a hunt in a thick jungle for a small and elusive prey; not that he would ever hunt for one like that.

    Silently he approached the chair and leaned over her. It was silly how happy she was for such a simple thing. A wicked glint passed his eyes and used his hand to make the air close to her face move then stepped fast back.

    "What the fuck!" Ana stood, looking around with her heart beating wildly in her chest, "Slic did you turn on the ventilation?"


     With her mood spoiled, she left the cockpit and went to train which attracted a nod of approval from Kael. If he could not train he could at least look at her. He was a bit eager to bask in her heated body's sweet aroma.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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