Delight (Thrad era)

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(Smut warning )

Me and Michael was hanging out in the Neverland ranch I figured we was in our other home too much so I wanted to visit his ranch with him to see what it looked like .When we was walking outside Michael's face mask dropped and we had to get in the car as soon as possible to avoid anymore questions from the paparazzi such as

Then one of them attempted to take a picture of me then Bill put his hand in the way to protect my privacy due to me and Michael not opening up about our relationship just so yet

When we got into the car Michael started up a conversation "Hey Y/N would you ever want to confirm our relationship in public?" He asked shyly holding my hand

"Michael I love you but I'm scared of the paparazzi finding out my place of work and then I'll see packs of them on the daily " I replied then continued "I don't know if I'm ready for that to happen just so yet " I replied looking at Michael's face being slightly disappointed with what I said

"No Y/N it's perfectly fine I get it ..." Michael drifted off looking outside seeing some trees then he said "I have a idea !"

"Go on Michael.. I'm listening " I replied wondering with suspense what his "idea" was

"What if you move to a private law firm ?" Michael asked then continued his sentence "Or you can work from home as well to prevent any more people from knowing who you are ?"

"Well Michael don't you think people will find out eventually that I'm dating you obviously.. " I looked at him in his eyes wondering how his idea can possibly happen and take place

A vibration from my bag happened indicating the someone was calling me then I took my phone out of my purse
I gestured for Michael to be quiet while I was on the phone

"Hello this is Y/N" I started the conversation then the person replied saying "Hey Y/N it's me Mia how have you been ?" Mia asked waiting for a response then I eventually responded "I'm doing well Mia it's really nice to here from you to be honest "

I felt reunited with Mia after we haven't talked in a while but obviously in life you don't always talk to your friends every day and time
"Girl you forgot to update me about how the "hotel " activities have been " Mia asked

"Mia I'm in a relationship with the guy now he's actually such a sweetheart to be honest like it's rare to find them if being honest .." I replied
Then Mia starting screaming in happiness for me "Y/N I'm soooo happy for you do I know this guy ?"

Should I tell her the truth because the last time she nearly caught on to who I was at the hotel with I thought to myself

Then Michael places his hand on my thigh which gave me reassurance that everything will be ok
"Yeah you know him " I said on the phone to Mia then Mia waited for me to continue saying "Go on Y/N I'm listening " then I hesitated then said " It's Michael jackson "
Mia was screaming on the phone then she replied "OH MY GOSHHH YOU WON THE LOTTERY GIRLLL !!"

"Yeah it seems like I did huh " I replied twirling my hair in my hands and smiling at Michael then Mia replied "I have to go now "Y/N I'll talk to you later see you later girl"

"Bye Mia talk to you later " I replied
then the conversation ended on the phone quickly and I put my phone in my bag then I turned my head to look at Michael then Michael looked at me
"You alright baby?" He rubbed my hands as he was holding it

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