The evening to remember

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Michael was looking around and organising the Neverland ranch then found his friend Prince waiting outside the ranch waiting patiently Michael then sees Prince and opens the door for him then gave a firm handshake to indicate a  warm welcoming

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Michael was looking around and organising the Neverland ranch then found his friend Prince waiting outside the ranch waiting patiently Michael then sees Prince and opens the door for him then gave a firm handshake to indicate a warm welcoming

"Well it's been a long time mike ..I hope you don't mind that I invited my girlfriend to come round .." Prince replies looking at Michael

"I missed having you around Prince it's been like a good 15 years since I last saw you ..?" Michael replies feeling ease that their rivalry ended

"Far too long !" Prince exclaims while walking inside Michael's Neverland ranch

Then Kishaya came out walking down the staircase calling her two friends
Dessa and Lizzy on the phone
" I'm telling you you two better come to the ranch I'm so bored and I want you guys to come !"

Lizzy replies on the phone "I'm definitely going don't worry about me to be honest "

Dessa then replies "Girl I'm coming in 5 minutes don't worry about me !"
Kishaya then ends the call feeling good that her two friends were coming over she then made her way downstairs then saw Michael and prince getting along after their apparent rivalry

Michael turns his head looking at his beautiful wife walking closer to him
Prince turns and says "Your that girl from you rock my world aren't you ?"
Then glances at Kishaya up and down

"Yes I am .. I didn't think you out of all people would recognise me at all ?" Kishaya questions while feeling appreciation from THE PRINCE

"Your moves were smooth as can be !" Prince complimented while holding Michael's shoulder giving Michael a pat on the back

Michael then holds onto Kishaya's waist tightly making her feel butterflies
Then whispers "You alright babe ?" While rubbing her stomach due to their baby being inside there

"Mhm...perfectly fine .." Kishaya replies while holding on to Michael's side stomach
Another doorbell rang causing Kishaya to instantly open the door seeing lizzy and Dessa

"You two came!" Kishaya yells loudly while embracing in a hug with them both
"Girl you being for real of course I would come !" Dessa replies then adds "Look at this beautiful place Oh my gosh !" Then admires the beautiful scenery
"How's your early stages of your pregnancy going ?" Lizzy asks while looking directly at Kishaya's small stomach
"Perfect just odd cravings per usual !" Kishaya replies then feels a need to pee right then and there and she quickly zooms to the bathroom downstairs

"Well that answered my question.." Lizzy replies looking at Kishaya rushing you the bathroom

"Do you guys want to sit in the living room ?" Michael suggests while gesturing them to go there quickly

Then they all nod then sit down in the living room then prince started taking to Dessa "How has life been for you ?"
"Good actually i have a really good job and it's paying me well " Dessa replies then notices Lizzy touching Michael's awards in curiousness

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