Events leading up pt.2

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As we was at court I felt so guilty for Michael having to go to court seeing it happen and there was going to be one session to see if Christine was guilty "All rise!" the judge said and everyone who was in the court stood up

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As we was at court I felt so guilty for Michael having to go to court seeing it happen and there was going to be one session to see if Christine was guilty
"All rise!" the judge said and everyone who was in the court stood up

"Court is now in proceeding !" the police officer said looking at the defendant and accuser then everyone in the court sat down

Dessa Prince Lizzy Marlon and me was sitting in the front row watching Michael sit in the front with his lawyer
Michael was brought up to the chair then the judge gives him a law book for him to raise his hand to

"Do you mr Jackson swear to tell the truth no matter what ?" The judge asks Michael

"Yes I swear to testify the truth no matter what your honour !" Michael briefly announces emotionless of what was happening in the court room then Christine locked eye contact with Michael and began grinning devilishly making his hands shake seeing that happen

"Mr Jackson ? Mr Jackson ?" The judge asks repeatedly then Michael went back to his senses
"Sorry your honor I'll continue the testimony ..." Michael interrupts himself by breathing heavily closing his eyes and counting to three

One...two ....three
"This first started when we hired Christine as our nanny she did a great job then she used to be suggestive of sexual misconduct but I didn't take it as anything serious "
"Your honour may I interrupt ?" Christine's lawyer intervened Michael's testimony

"Access denied .." the Judge said then let Michael continue the testimony

"We trusted her with my children and myself and last week she helped me out with the kids and she asked for me to come upstairs with her but I thought she wanted to talk about the children turns out it was the opposite then she locked the door and gave me alcohol and when I told her to stop— she she.."

Michael couldn't finish his sentence scared of how she raped him repeatedly

"She um drugged my drink with sleeping pills and unclothed me leaving me in my naked body Christine placed tape on my mouth and handcuffed me to the bed and I was unconscious at moments then I was conscious I pleaded but she didn't care and continued raping me "

"Alright Mr Jackson we will have a fifteen minute recess so you can collect yourself " the judge says the banged the gavel on the table

The crowd of people exited the room while Michael's inner circle watched Christine smiling at them all like a pyschopath

Dessa walked fast behind her and Marlon quickly went to grab her but she was too fast Christine's lawyer went into the elevator leaving her there then Dessa tied her hair back and pounced on Christine then Lizzy decided to go attack her as well

"You psychopathic monster !" Dessa yells while slapping Christine multiple times causing a crowd of commotion to view what was going on to both of them all
"Keep slapping me bitch I'll do it again to your boyfriend to—" Christine smiles while being slapped repeatedly

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