Events leading up

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⚠️Trigger warnings :Extremely triggering topics such as SA⚠️

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⚠️Trigger warnings :Extremely triggering topics such as SA⚠️

Michael was at the Neverland ranch looking after the kids with the children's nanny Christine she is a good nanny and the kids liked her I had no bad intentions coming from her as she was kind and respectful towards us all in the house

and I decided to go to visit my best friend Dessa and hopefully Lizzy was back from her honeymoon after spending what felt like eternity when she was gone eventually I got to Dessa's mini mansion with her front gates which made me ring her intercom as Dessa most likely couldn't see from her view
"Hi it's Kishaya !" I said to the intercom then Marlon answers and opens the gate as it was automatically opening
I brought some hampers for Lizzy and Dessa which contained chocolates and flowers as Dessa loved chocolate

"Oh hey Marlon!" I quickly embraced him in a hug
Dessa comes down the stairs with a black silk pyjamas and a blue face mask and heating pad as she was holding it tightly as if she — wished it was attached to her due her time of the month
"Oh hey girl .." Dessa replies embracing me in a hug gently and I could smell her vanilla perfume on her body

"Girl hey I brought you chocolates with some flowers then some candies .." I reply handing over her chocolates hamper "Where's Michael ?" She asks then I remembered he was still at the ranch I wonder how he was doing right now
"He's at the ranch he's coming soon " I assured
It felt like chaos these dam children running everywhere first blanket was running with his underwear on and if that got worse Katherine did it too making me feel slightly stressed seeking these damn babies running so fast
"Stop you two !" I pleaded rubbing after them feeling slightly tired after they was running as if it was a game
"Christine help me please !" I asked seeing Christine coming in the living room

"Mr.Jackson let me help you " Christine sprinted and got those kids quickly then placed them in her arms
Michael hugs Christine in gratitude for helping him out with the children then Christine decided to ask Mr. Jackson to come upstairs

"Oh ok? " Michael asked brushing off any suspicion as he trusted Christine because she was the perfect employee
Christine opened one of the guest rooms and began acting innocently by bending over innocently then locking the door Michael attempted to open the door but unfortunately she had the key in her hands and swung it playfully giggling at Michael's attempts to get out of the situation making Michael feel uncomfortable

"Come on Michael ease up!" Christine says while grabbing some alcohol and putting crushed up sleeping pills in his drink without him noticing

"I think you should stop this is inappropriate and I have a wife and kids I don't want to do this just open the door please ! "

Michael strictly informs then Christine grabbed a handcuff and placed it on Michael's wrist he tried to push Christine off but Christine made him drink the alcohol filled with sleeping drugs

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