You rock my world pt5

52 3 17

5 months later

"MICHAEL!" Kishaya screamed out looking for him upstairs and kept looking for him

Then Michael quickly ran out from the bathroom wearing his pyjamas and then said "Kishaya is everything alright ?"

"NO !NO!I think I'm having contractions I think the baby is coming mike!!!" I said worried of what was next to come due to this being my first pregnancy

"UHH I WILL CALL 911!"He rushes to grab the nearest telephone and dials it quickly

I stood there holding onto the railing and prince and paris came out wondering what was going on 

"hwey mommy why are yow in pain?" Prince asked looking at my face in comfort

"Baby I'm going to be giving you guys a sibling and they want to get out right now ." I replied trying to take the pain away by talking about it

then my water broke causing me to cry loudly then I asked "call daddy baby" I said to prince and Paris and they rushed to call Michael

Michael ran towards me and then said "They'll take 30 minutes I might as well take you know Kishaya !" He helped me down the stairs as I gripped onto his arms

"Mhm baby!" I mumbled in pain and discomfort

And I rubbed my stomach thinking how this baby wants to come out right now!
then we eventually got into the car and I started  breathing heavily and yelled to Michael in frustration "START THIS CAR!!"

And Michael looked horrified when I said that due to me rarely getting angry and he followed my request and drives fast

10 minutes later

We eventually got to a near by hospital and Michael was holding my waist then yelled "HELP MY GIRLFRIEND IS GOING INTO LABOUR!!"  Then 5 nurses ran to come assist me  and Michael was running with them

They eventually found a room and placed me in there and Michael was standing outside waiting  afterwards
Then the nurses  stripped off my clothes  and placed a hospital gown on me

And then i was placed on the bed and the nurses said "Your going to have to spread your legs !" And I instantly spread them  without thinking

Then I yelled out "MICHAEL!" and the nurses let him in and then he rushed to hold my hand 
5 hours later

"KEEP PUSHING !" The nurse said  and spread my legs more further apart

"URGH!" I yelled out due to all this pain occurring at once

"Come on baby you can do it !"Michael assured me gently to keep make me push

"I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!" I screamed feeling the second way of intense pain again and I felt so exhausted

"Kishaya you can do this !" Michael said as I gripped onto his hand hard making me feel like I could get through this
"KEEP PUSHING WE ARE ALMOST THERE !" The nurse yelled out

I started yelling then began grunting  and pushing

Then another nurse said "TWO MORE PUSHES !" 

I gripped onto Michael's hands and then I started pushing harder and harder then I heard baby cries
And then the main nurse said

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