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POV Jungkook

"DAMN IT! Why the hell again, I agreed to this! Why did I think it will be a good idea!" Jungkook swore while lying on his bed covering his face with hands. Every time a party with your participation was given to him very difficult. You've been Jin's best friend since elementary school, and you've only seen him as a naughty kid. All the guys in the band knew about his lust for you and they made fun of him every time, when he trying to show you that he's no longer a boy. Everyone must were get together to the dorm today and you were supposed to come. His heart pounded furiously in his chest. After spending the whole evening with you in the same company, he almost until the morning had to jerk off the stress of your proximity. Your smell, the shape of your body, but especially your habit of driving fingers on your lips drove him crazy every minute. And now he will have another painful night. He got out of bed and stood in front of the closet. Each time he had to wear wide sweatpants to hide the hard-on. But choosing a t-shirt has always been difficult. He always opted it with a short sleeve and v-neck to bare the muscles of his arms and chest try to look more hottest. He knew how you excited from guys with muscular hands. But it never worked with you. He opted for grey pants and a grey T-shirt made of thin matter that covered every muscle in his chest and abs. He looked at himself from the bottom to up in the mirror "As if it would change something" he sneered at himself.

He left the room and immediately collided with Namjoon, looking at him from head to toe he laughed. "Still hoping for something?" he asked with a sneer. "It's not your business, hyung! I'll deal with my hopes myself!" Jungkook responded sharply. Namjoon just smiled back and walked toward the kitchen. Maybe he'd must just walk out of the house, he thinking to himself. Why does he keep tormenting himself every time. He heard laughter from the kitchen and realized that Namjoon had already told the other guys about his appearance. Sooner or later, they'd see him.

He went into the kitchen last, everyone was there. But he saw that only Jin, Taehyung and NJ were sitting in the kitchen. "Aren't we going to have a drink together today?" he asked sitting down on the nearest chair at the kitchen table. "Hoseok and Jimin are going to train the dance into the late night, and Yoongi decided to finish working on the song in the studio, so it's unlikely to show up today." He mentally regretted not asking about Jimina's plans for today. Whom he wanted to deceive, no matter how much he cursed, he still used every opportunity to see you at least for one minute.

"She's on a blind date tonight. So she will arrive only at half an hour" Jin's words distracted him from his thoughts. What? Blind date? Why it caused fury in him. He tried to stay calm listening to the hyuns talk. "What? Is she still being forced to go on these useless dates? Hahaha... Is she still making ridicule of the guys?" laughed Namjoon. "Poor guys get enough from her. We should be pitied them" Jin replied laughing. "She's still behaving like a spoiled and rude girl because of why guys run off the middle of the date?" asked Taehyung. He was practically boiling with anger inside, what's the hell is going on, why everyone knew about her dates except him! "Hell yes! I would have had enough and a five-minute date with her to run off" shaking his head confirmed to Jin. Half an hour passed while they spoke. But you still weren't here yet, Jungkook kept looking at watch. Another 20 minutes later Jin paid attention to the clock "Hm, she already should be here by now. It's strange why she's delayed."

Jin picked up the phone and quickly typed the message. The answer came right away. "Wow, it seems her date is going well. She'll only arrive in 20 minutes" Jin said. "What? She on a date for almost 2 hours?! I'm impressed" after looking at the watch told Namjoon. A new wave of anger covered him. For all those 20 minutes, he couldn't think of anything but your date. He hasn't even heard about what his hyungs have been talked. At last the doorbell ripped him out of his mind. Taehyung quickly got up and ran to open the door. Jungkook sat on a chair unable to move. Raising his head he met Jin's gaze and realized that all this time he was watching him. He winced because all his emotions and thoughts were reflected on his face.

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