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POV Jungkook

"JUNGKOOK!!! ... please..." His hand froze inthe air and not touched your shoulder. Everything inside was squeezed. He didn't want to leave, he didn't want to leave you like that right now. But if he stayed would only hurt you. Slowly he turned and left the kitchen. He got out of the apartment. He got down and got in a cab. While he was driving home his head was empty. Or rather the thoughts were so much that they just turned noise. Closing his eyes he put his head on the window. How could he screw up so much at the first opportunity to be with you alone? Why couldn't he hold on. He's got a chance, and he's ruining everything. He was so happy. You cooked together, dined together sitting in the kitchen, together washed dishes. It was like you were a couple who live together. You tried to put that damn plate on, and he didn't even think about what he was doing behind you. But once you were so close, the excitement got the better of him. Your body was so close to him. He couldn't back down. When you turned around and ended up between him and the table. So close, he wanted more. He wanted to have it all. Before he knew what he was doing he completely clung to you with his body and kissed you. He knew you felt how hard he was. He knew he couldn't do this, but the body didn't listen. Even when you push him away a little bit and whisper that he's crazy. He wanted more, your taste was too pleasant, so he put your hands off again kissed you. Lust swept him with his head. He attacked you as a predator on his prey, without giving the right to back off. He felt your body relaxed under his onslaught. But before he could hug your body, there was a notification sound and your body strained again. You pushed him hard and he had to do it a few steps back to keep balance. You came to the table without even looking in his direction. You spoke like you weren't kissing a few seconds ago, like just were sitting and drinking at the same table. You didn't even turn in his direction when he left. Thoughts make hurt.

He was so immersed in his thoughts that he did not notice how he reached his place. He went up to his floor and went into the dorm. He didn't want to see anyone from the hyungs in the morning, he knew how much he couldn't control his thoughts when he was too upset. He quickly picked up a training bag. Turned around, he saw the hat and face mask that you gave him. He took them out of bed and hid them in his nightstand. Returning to the closet, he took out his hat and mask and left the room. When he reached the kitchen, he quickly wrote a note saying that he was going to practice and left the dorm.

After 40 minutes, he walked into the agency building. He headed to Yoongi's studio, hoping he'd leave. But when he came to the door heard the music. He turned and went in a different direction to the small room with the sofa. Going inside he collapsed on the sofa, he tried to fall asleep ... But his thoughts kept him awake, but only excited him. 'Interesting, is it possible to die from overexcitement', he thought getting up. Taking his bag he took out the training clothes and changed his clothes. He went to the locker room and left a bag and clothes in his locker. Wearing a face mask and headphones, he went to the gym and took the furthest treadmill. He set up the average speed and ran in the hope of freeing his mind from the flow of thoughts. While he was running the scene on your kitchen repeated in his head millions of times. He didn't see anything except that. Thousands of possible scripts scrolled over and over again. What could was happen if you didn't call a taxi right away, or if it would come at least 5 minutes late, etc.

What's he going to do now? Will you tell Jin what happened last night? If you said, what exactly do you said? How will Jin react to this? Will Jin tell the others in the group about his act? How will you now lead with him? Are you going to ignore it or pretend that nothing happened and communicate like you used to? He wondered which option he wanted more. Should he write something? Or wait for you to write first? Will you write to him at all? Where to get answers to all these questions that did not end in his head. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he did not see the coach approached and turned off the treadmill. Because of this, he crashed into the front of the treadmill and almost fell.

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