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Jungkook was lying on the sofa in the living room with closed eyes . He listened to music on headphones. They returned from the tour a couple of days ago, but you were gone. You were on a business trip and returned early this morning. Finally! He will see you soon. Jin invited you to the tour end party. He can't wait for you to come. All members went to the supermarket for barbecue products. He was at home alone. He hoped that you would come earlier than the participants and that he could spend at least five minutes alone with you. The expectation excited him. Although you agreed to be together, he didn't want to tell the rest yet , what are you dating. Keep it a secret and hidden signs to send , it was so sexy. He could not stop smiling thinking about you. Through the music he heard the doorbell, and was glad that it was loud enough! Finally! You're here! He jumped over the back of the sofa and ran toward the door. Opening the door, he saw you and his heart almost jumped out of his chest with joy. Before you even managed to utter a word , he quickly grabbed you into his arms and kissed you tightly. He deepened his kiss, pressing you against the wall. Lust took hold of him. He kissed you greedily , not giving the opportunity to retreat even for a second. His fingers woven into your hair, and with the second hand he squeezed your ass, pressing you to his hard cock. You tried to break out of his arms, resting your hands on his chest. He quickly moved your arms overhead, clutching them with one hand. With his other hand, he squeezed your breast before returning a hand to your ass. Clutching you again to himself, he made a few light jolts rubbing his cock against your stomach.

The sound of broken glass forced him to turn sharply in the direction of the kitchen . He froze, it seems his heart stopped beating. Jin stood in front of a broken glass. Yoongi and Namjoon froze near the refrigerator with meat in their hands. Hoseok sat at the table with his mouth wide open, pouring himself water in glass that was already flowing across the table to the floor. Jimin froze taking off his jacket. Taehyung froze with an empty hand which he held out to Jin . He lowered his head, covering his eyes with his hand.

" Fuck ..." he said. How could he not hear when they arrived. Where did he sin so much in a past life that he was so unlucky in this one forever . And what the fuck should he do now. They would sooner or pos bottom learned would you together, but it was not the best way. He just wanted to dissolve in the air with shame.

"We don't know something?" asked Jin slowly recovering from the shock

"Are you date?" Taehyung said taking a step forward.

"How long?" Hoseok added by putting a carafe of water on a wet table.

He just cannot believe it's happening now. He needs to gather his thoughts.

You picked up the bag off the floor and went round it, going into the kitchen. Everyone was watching your every move as you walked to the fridge. "Yes, you don't know something. Yes, we're date. No, not long ago." you answered all three questions. You came over and smiled broadly to Yoongi and handed him a bag of vegetables. Judging by Yoongi's smile he clearly knew about it.

"And you're already..." couldn't finish his jimin question

"If I say this is our first kiss you'll believe it" you replied looking into Jimin's eyes. Jungkook was still in shock and why you were so calm. 'So stop being a kid,' he said to himself, and went into the kitchen, too. He tried to stay calm while all eyes moved on him. He went up to the countertop and took a roll of paper. After tear off a few sheets, he began to wipe the table near Hoseok.

"Jungkook you don't want to tell us anything?" asked Hoseok

"I can repeat the same answers you've already received if it makes you feel better" he replied. You smiled and that gave him confidence

" It's not a big deal, so why you so worried? Listen, let's start cooking I want to eat." said Yoongi calmly laying out the food, he took a packet of meat from Namjoon, which was still standing not moving and closed the fridge.

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