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POV – You

"Let's lay for more five minutes. The sky is too beautiful to rush somewhere"

'Beautiful evening' you were lying on the hood enjoying a fresh breeze staring at the stars. Thanks to the alcohol in your head today there were no thoughts. Despite the terrible date, your mood was good. You haven't laughed like that in a while. Every time you had a bad mood you had enough a couple of minutes in this company. 'What's wrong with this kid?' You turned your head towards Jungkook who kept fidgeting. Your five minutes of calm have been ruined. You got up and slammed him in the stomach, "Let's go. You're thinking too loud. I can hear the sound of your thoughts spinning in your head," you laughed.

"Sorry, nuna. I didn't want to get in your way."

"Don't worry Kooky. It's too late, it's time to go home.Especially since you still have to go home after" you said taking his hand that raise his from the hood. He went to the passenger door to will open the door for you. His wide back caught your attention while you followed him. You reached out and held it down his back. You didn't expect him to stop abruptly, so you bumped into him. "Aya..." You said rubbing your nose in pain. "You can't stop so abruptly."

"What are you doing... ?" he asked slowly turning towards you.

"What? Ahh that, just never paid attention that you have to such muscular back. It surprised me. I'm sorry I didn't want to embarrass you with my actions, I'm too used spending time to Jin," you smiled. You really not thought that it can might embarrass him. Bypassing him, you opened the door and got into the car. A minute later, he too got in the car and started it, after fasten a seatbelt. "Nuna, I don't know where is your home" he said, turning his head to you. You laughed, right he never came to visit you with ather guys. You put the address in the navigator and drove. He looked so confident at the steering wheel. You've known him long enough, but every time you opened him from a new side. You remembered tonight, he's been acting weird all night. Did he was doing well? Maybe something's bothering him. You didn't want to ask him, if something serious happened, you don't think he'd want to discuss it with you.

"I'm fine" he said, as if he had read your thoughts "You're looking at me with worried" he smiled. "I'm just tired. The week was busy, thats why I didn't want to drink today. Tomorrow I have a personal training and didn't want to come with a headache from a hangover. You don't want to eat? I'm hungry. Maybe we'll eat somewhere?" He never said so much around you.

"I don't think we can eat somewhere, you even didn't put on a face mask. Let's eat at my place." you said and he nod back.

He turned on the radio, the quiet music was practically a lullaby for. Putting your head at the window, you enjoyed the view. The lights of the night city made you happy. You loved to ride around the night city. "If your workout isn't in the morning, can we go for ride a while?" you asked him. "Of course, if that's what you want" he replied "I'll do whatever you want."

A what? Why did you feel so uncomfortable with his words? "Then I want ice cream" you said trying to break the awkwardness. "Yes, madam" he stopped at the nearest store and ran out of the car. Are he crazy? Where he went. This damn kid does whatever he wants and doesn't think about the consequences. He's always get at trouble. He came back a moment later and held out your favorite ice cream "Here, you love it" he said. "Are you crazy? Did they recognize you? Jin will kill me if your pictures show up in SNS" you said, slapping him on the shoulder. "Stop it, nuna. Calm down, there was only an one elderly man at the checkout, and no one was around. No one saw me. So stop hitting me please" he took you by the wrist and pulled you over so you could meet him with eyes "Don't worry, I was careful. You said you wanted ice cream"

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