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POV Jungkook

He went into the elevator and rested his forehead against the wall. So long it can't last. His breathing was heavy, and his heart was beating too fast. He barely stopped himself today. But you were too sexy. He won a small victory. But why was it feel so sad deep inside.

You were right in everything. Now it's clear why you saw the child in him. He only thought about his feelings. Why didn't he think about the reality in which he lived. What was he hoping for. He could not date with anyone, and if someone take a photo of him with a girl, the group would have problems because of him. He is such a fool! That's why he gets into all sorts of troubles. He cannot even come to you when he wants it, only when they have free time. "See you tomorrow" - he doesn't even know if he will be able to leave the dorm tomorrow. But he must take a chance, not for that he went so far as to surrender so easily now. He must do everything possible. You agreed - that was the only thing that mattered. You watched a movie while you sat in his arms. He smiled. He must tease you, you must feel that need him. If while he can't win your heart, he must at least conquer your body. He knows that you always played with guys, if he wants to be with you, he should become the main one in this game.

He quickly got home and went into the apartment. The party was in full swing. For a long time he had not seen hyungs so drunk.

"Kooky !!! Where were you my favorite, maknae. I missed you so much. "Jin hugged him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Hyung, you're drunk!" he tried to break out of hyung's steel grip.

"Have you got a girlfriend?" asked Yoongi

"Of course, I have a lot of free time for this. What is the reason for that party? " he quickly changed the subject.

"It's just that when you meet friends you no come so earlier and you are always drunk. And now it's not even midnight and you are sober" Hoseok said with suspiciously.

"Reporter Kim Namjoon, Bangtan TV. Comment of this situation, Mr. Jeon" approached him Namjoon, using a bottle of soju instead of a microphone.

"Hyungs, you are all drunk. I have a photoshoot tomorrow morning. So I didn't drink much and returned early" he made excuses.

"Okay, okay ... Justified!" Hoseok tapped with a spoon on the table.

Everyone began to laugh. He joined them, and taking a beer. " Do you like _________? Why do you constantly write dirty stuff to her all times." asked Jin to Yoongi.

Jungkook choked a beer. 'Why are you asking him this, hyung', he thought. So he need to calm down. It is impossible that they all recognize on the first day.

"Yes, I like her" Yoongi replied, and Jungkook felt a growing worry inside. "We are sex friends" Namjoon dropped a can of beer, Hoseok was sitting with his mouth wide open, and Jungkook could not move from what he had just heard. He laughed out loud. "Wow ... It was worth it! This is a reaction! Daebak! She and I are friends in sex conversations. She knows everything about me and I about her. We give advice to each other, etc. There is nothing between us except friendship "

"So you know all her boyfriends?" asked Jin

"Yes I knew"

"And do you know which idol she date?" sat closer Hoseok

"Yes I knew. But only they did not date, they just had sex. He does not have time for a relationship, she too. So they met together"

"Who is it? Who?" Hoseok bounced from excitement on a chair

"I will not say. If she wanted you to know, she would tell you herself" Yoongi replied, taking a sip of whiskey.

"But we are so interested" whined Hoseok

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