Aunt Judith

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TWs: small mentions of transphobia and underaged (but consensual) sex

Oh how family reunions sucked. Fred hated them. He had to deal with his stupid relatives that didn't respect him at all, the deadnaming and the constant ask of "when are you having children?" despite the fact that he was still in school, a fifth year to be exact. They had started when he was in third year, and it was so embarrassing. Why was he expected to already be carrying a child despite the fact that Bill and Charlie never got asked that stupid, annoying question? Percy didn't get asked it. Hell, George didn't get asked it, and he was Fred's twin. 

Fred was pulled away from George by his Aunt Judith, quite a vile, sickeningly sweet woman. Molly disliked her, making an effort to not invite her. Yet she still came every year and everyone had to have the same, frustrating conversation with her. And every year, she ignored their requests to have some respect for Fred.

"Oh, Chelsea, dear, it's so wonderful to see you again. Now, I have a few questions to ask you. But first you need to change into proper clothes. It's a shame, really. They should not be forcing you to wear your brothers' clothing just because they can't afford new ones. But then again, they buy your sister new clothes."

"That's not my name."

"Yes it is, now." She forced him to sit down and grabbed her wand. She pointed it at him and said a few spells. The first spell made his hair even longer then braided it with flowers forming inside. The second spell changed his clothes to a dress and making his binder turn into a necklace. The final spell put makeup onto his face. "Much better," she insisted.

Fred glared at her. "No, it's not."

"Are you still with that boy, Lee Jordan?"

"I am."

Aunt Judith smiled brightly, clasping her hands together. "A beautiful girl like you deserves someone handsome and kind. When will I meet him?"

"Never. You'll never get to meet him. I don't want you to meet him and create a wedge between us by saying something wrong. And I'm not a girl."

She laughed and grabbed his hands. He tried to pull them away, but her grip was tight enough that he couldn't. "Are you two planning on starting a family?"

"Uh, currently, no. If it happens, then I won't stop it. It's not in our future for another another five or so years."

Judith patted his head. "Once you start having intercourse, you'll see how important it is to have a child before school is over. I had my first boy before I finished sixth year. It's important to start young so you can have many children. Your body is already asking you to with periods."

Fred flushed and moved away from her. "Lee and I have already done it a few times, and I still don't see the importance of starting now."

"When was the last time you two did things?"

"Three months ago."

"And when was the last time you bleed, dear girl?"

"I'm not a girl. But it skipped last month, the month before that, the month before that, and is late this... month..." Fred trailed off as dread started to form at the bottom of his stomach.

Aunt Judith smiled brightly and pulled him into a hug. "Then you are with child. And of course you are a girl, you carry the genes of the next generation of our family in your child."

Fred wiggled out of the hug. "You can't be certain. Sometimes it skips."

She pointed her wand at his stomach and cast a spell. "This spell will tell us if you are with child." A few seconds later, a shimmering plus sign appeared before them. Judith squealed excitedly. "Congratulations, my dear niece. You will make an excellent mother."

He stood frozen, his eyes wide. After a minute of her congratulating him and him standing awkwardly, he took off to find one of his parents or George to help him calm down. He couldn't be pregnant. What would everyone think? What would Lee think? They had been so careful...

"Mum!" Fred found Molly first, talking happily to Charlie. "Can I talk to you?"

Charlie looked at Fred and sighed softly. "Judith?"

"Yes. Mum, please?"

Molly kissed Charlie's cheek. "I'll be right back." She took Fred's hand and walked with him to his and George's shared room. Luckily, it was empty of the cousins staying in there with them. "What is it, dear?" Molly asked as he sat on the floor so she could take out the braid and flowers.

"I really messed up. Lee and I were messing around and... I guess the condom broke," his voice was so quiet, Molly barely heard it, "because Judith was asking if Lee and I were going to start a family soon and then asked when I last had my period and then did a spell that confirmed that I... am pregnant..."

The older woman softened as she knelt next to him. "Oh, dear. That is quite the trouble you have gotten yourself into. Does anyone else know?"

He shook his head. "Just you, Judith, and me. I went looking for you, dad, or George right after she told me and we were alone. She pulled me away from George and I think he's talking to Bill and Uncle Joey." He paused then sighed. "It does explain why I've been throwing up every morning and not liking foods that I normally do like."

"What do you want to do with the baby?" Molly asked him softly. 

"I don't know. Part of me wants to keep them, but... I'm not ready to be a father. I'm only sixteen."

"Do you want your father and I to raise them?"

"No, no. We can't afford to have another child here. And they might start asking questions why they have darker skin since Lee's black and he's the other father." He started to shake with sobs that he was forcing to stay inside.

Molly gently hugged him. "Let it out. You don't have to know what you'll do with them, but I know you'll make the right choice. It might always feel that way, but you'll do the right thing. Now, how about I cut your hair and make your clothes right again?"

"Yes, please. Thank you, mum."

"Of course, my son. I love you very much." She used the same spell Judith had used to change his clothes back to how they wear before. "Do you want me to send George up?"

Fred nodded with a weak smile, tears still shining on his cheeks. She kissed his forehead and went downstairs to get George. While he waited, Fred grabbed the scissors and started to cut his hair to be at his ears. It was shorter than he had gone in a little while, but it was so much better than the length that Judith had grown it to.

He leaned against his bed, shutting his eyes. He knew it wasn't the best haircut ever, but it felt more like him than the others before. George walked into the room and sat next to him, not saying a word. 

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