Guess who's back... +·Chapter 1·+

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Mentions of suicide and angst!!!!
Again, Its my first time writing so it may not be too good also my grammar might be trash but I wanted to write something on here for once sooooo.. :3
It has been four years ever since Rody had last seen Vincent...

It's not like he wants to see him anyways after what he had did.


Rody started working at another restaurant nearby after the incident. He got his life together and got over Manon, which was great! He had his own nice little apartment and got paid fairly well at the place. The people there even taught him how to cook so he wouldn't burn anything anymore! Everything was actually going well for Rody all these four years and he didn't want to ruin it.

One day Rody went to work and his boss got a call about a new waiter coming in.. "Finally... More people to talk to", he thought... He got ready to greet the man so he could have a nice welcoming. Little did Rody know, it would be a nice little encounter with someone he knew a while ago..

Rody watched Vincent walk through the door, His eyes meeting the other man's once again. The black haired guy seemed really tired. He had a large scar going up from his neck and little burn scars being shown on his hands and also on his face. Lastly, he looked scared to see Rody again after what they had done to each other... Vincent had been through hell and back these past four years, paying for medical bills after barely recovering in the hospital. Man, oh how Rody wished Vincent just stayed in the fire, let himself bleed out.. But no, Vincent just had to crawl his way out and get help.



Vincent started signing something with his hands.. Why is he-? Oh.. Yea, Rody had destroyed Vincent's vocal cords while stabbing him in the neck with a broken wine bottle..

"Hi Rody..."

Vincent looked away, a little scared of what you thought of him now. He knew Rody still hated his guts after what he had done. I mean, who would forgive someone after they had killed their girlfriend and tried to feed it to them?! Not only that he had bitten his ear off and ate it! Fucking ate it!!..

Rody suddenly felt sick to his stomach, like something was eating and gnawing at his insides. He was nauseous but couldn't get rid of this feeling while having Vincent's presence next to him. Vincent was the reason for every bad thing that happened to him four years ago. He hated him. Rody hated Vincent with his fucking guts. He really didn't need him in his life anymore but here he was, looking at Vincent infront of him.

Rody contacted his boss and ran out of there, leaving Vincent at the doorway to do most of the work. He just couldn't interact after what happened. He needed time, time to think about what happened.

Vincent's POV:

"Why would Rody just leave like that?... Oh yea...", he thought to himself. He had wished he stayed in the fire at this rate, just for Rody to be happy without him. Every time he thought of Rody, he wished he had just killed himself for Rody's sake. Although even if he wanted to, he couldn't.. Something was keeping him from doing it though. Maybe it was because he was too weak to?.. Or maybe his love for Rody was what stopped him from doing so..- "What ever... I have to get back to work... I'll see him tomorrow.."


I got tired and lazy sorryyyyyyy I wrote this at midnight and i have school in the morning but i'll post every 2-3 days maybe?
Edit: I made this and had the urge to write more so maybe expect more tomorrow?

A/N:I got tired and lazy sorryyyyyyy I wrote this at midnight and i have school in the morning but i'll post every 2-3 days maybe?:3Edit: I made this and had the urge to write more so maybe expect more tomorrow?

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