✧ 『⋆☾Chapter 9☽⋆ 』✧ [ GORE & VIOLENCE!!!]

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I wanna stay in school for a bit longer im gonna miss like 4 of my teachers so badly bro😭 (My science teacher is lesbian but she is so fucking cool🗣🗣)

Rody's POV-

The lady is judging us... It's fine though. Although if she does end up telling authorities that wont be good for the both of us.

Time Skip cuz im bored as fuck and I have an idea~

Im so tired after what happened with me and Vince.. But I do have to go somewhere to go buy some things for Vince. Its currently winter and I don't think he owns anymore coats- I honestly don't want him freezing to death out here. Plus, what all does he even have after.. After I burned down his bistro AND apartment?.. I still feel guilty about that, and I probably shouldn't bring that up anytime soon to him.

I go to a store nearby, looking at some of the clothing they have. I find something Vince would like.. Just can't figure out his size of clothes- Meh, I'm sure the size I wear would be fine, plus, he's taller than me by not much. I purchase a few more and head back to my apartment. At this point, I actually care for him. Like what could go wrong to ruin how I act with him (totally not hinting at something later on🤔)?

I reach my apartment and step back inside. Vincent was on the couch waiting for me to come back. He almost instantly spots what I got him and raises a brow.

" I got you some coats! I noticed you didn't really have any cold weather things so I kinda just- yea."

"Thank you."

I toss the bag over to Vince and head to the bathroom. I get ready to go to bed, assuming the both of us have work in the morning and I don't want to be late. I could hear footsteps in the hallway and then Vince gets in bed with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him before we both fall asleep.

( I'm finna make this go wrong in all the bad ways cuz im tired of just smut honestly. I need to balance it out😘 )

I wake up with Vince's head resting on my shoulder, making me have to be careful with how I get out of bed because I didn't want to wake him up just yet. I slip out of bed and get ready, putting on my clothes, cooking breakfast, and waking Vince up when I'm done with everything. He wouldn't wake up though.. He's probably just sore and tired from last night~

I head out to work, making sure Vince can use my old bike if he wanted to go to work today. I park my car and get out, walking into the restaurant.

" Oh hey Rody! Thanks for cleaning up last night it really helped! Anyway, why is Vincent not here?"

"Oh I guess he's just.. Tired from work? He wouldn't get up this morning when I tried to wake him up."

A lie, but how would my boss know?

"... Does he live with you? Are yall like... A couple?- T-Thats not.."

"OH WHAT NO OF COURSE NOT! Vince just needs a place to stay for a while! Haha... Why would you ever think thattt..."

"Oh well look who came!"

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