Messed up... +·( Chapter 3 )·+

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·More thoughts about suicide Ik😮
I think that's it :3

Also this chapter will have fluff in it if you want to skip to there!!

Also this chapter will have fluff in it if you want to skip to there!!

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Maybe Rody was right.. Maybe it was the best option for Vincent to just take his life right then and there.

"For you i will.. Only you."

Rody was suddenly really confused.. Was Vincent going to actually try and do it? Or was he just lying to grab Rody's attention? Well, Vincent wasn't lying when he said that and ran to the kitchen.

"W-Wait Vincent you meant that you crazy bastard?!!"

Rody ran after Vincent, seeing him in the kitchen holding a knife up to his neck. He dug the knife into his flesh, feeling the blood drizzle down his neck in a painful way. Vincent kept on going with it, but he hesitated before going deeper into his neck.


... What
Vincent stopped when he felt Rody's hands snatch the knife away from his hands. Rody meant what he said, but his heart couldn't bare to see Vincent like this. Why did he feel like this? He told him to kill himself and now he was stopping him?! Why, just why was he doing this?!

Both of their hearts were pounding in their chests, almost in sync. It was almost as if they both ran a marathon just now because of how heavily they were both breathing.

Rody quickly scrambled to find bandages laying around for Vincent. He was on his arms and legs searching and searching until he found some on a countertop in the back. Rody rushed back to Vincent and gently wrapped the bandages around his neck, taking his time on the cut part.

Vincent felt a warm tingle in his stomach when Rody was taking care of him like this. It had never happened before so this feeling of closeness was new to him, but he liked it.

"Vincent, don't ever do that shit again, scared the crap out of me..."

"Okay yeah... Got it-"

Rody finished bandaging up Vincent after a few minutes. He felt slightly worried for the black haired man but didn't know why.. Did he love him too? That would seem impossible though because.. "Damn it that was four years ago though!! I think its time I get over it... Vincent seems to weak to even hurt me anyway now...", Rody had thought. He was right, Vincent was too weak at this point anyway to even do anything even if wanted to. But he didn't want to hurt Rody.

"You alright?.."


Vincent could still make noise? Rody thought he had completely torn Vincent's vocal cords but no, it seems he didn't which was great now that he had actually thought about it. That means he could still-

"Thanks Rody..-"

Talk- That meant he could still talk.

Rody walked up to Vincent and hugged him tightly, letting the other man sink into his chest and arms. It was warm, warm and fuzzy hugging and holding onto Vincent. He might love it.. Yea, he did...


Vincent sunk into the hug, feeling like he would start bursting out into tears any second now. And he did, even though he didn't want to. He pushed his head into Rody's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his neck trying to grab the ginger's attention.


"Hey im sorry for what i said earlier, Vincent.."

Rody pulled Vincent's head up, seeing all the tears on his face and the redness too. He wiped his tears with his thumb while also being gentle trying not to accidentally touch one of his scars.

"I messed up big time and I owe you.."


I love writing fluff so much so I didn't want to have a lot of angst in here cause I can't stand writing it. :3.
Next chapter will be full of fluff I promise 👍

Next chapter will be full of fluff I promise 👍

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Word count: 660 😮

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