'~<3~' +·(Chapter 5)·+ [🍋]

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I think im getting better but I still have ways to go. I'll be trying to add POVS because. Also, if you didn't know beforehand, lemon means smut :3
Top Rody
Bottom Vincent.
Who knows maybe I'll add something of what I draw at the end :) (Its more smut be scared anyway,)


Rody's Pov-
He's still up for that? I mean Vincent is still drunk too.. So why not, its not like he'll remember anything.. Right?

I pin Vincent down below me on the bed. Gosh he's so hot and cute right now... I bend down to kiss him, but the kiss ended up being sloppy and wet, but who cares? The only reason for that was because I was fumbling with trying to get my belt and pants off. I have never done this, not even while I was dating Manon have we ever.. Holy shit I might be bisexual- that doesn't matter right now..
Feel free to skip the smut!!!
My pants are off, almost showing my hardened bulge underneath the boxers. It was kind of embarrassing doing this for the first time, showing our bodies like this, but Vincent seemed impatient. I quickly slip off his pants and boxers, revealing his wet hole. Damn (😍)...

I scramble to find any lube in the drawer beside us, and thankfully find some lying around in the drawer.

"You can handle this part, right Vincent?"


I squirted a generous amount onto my fingers. It was cold but would be easy to get used to once they're actually inside him. I pressed one of my fingers against his entrance and watched Vincent shudder for a second before sliding it in.

"M-Mngh.. Ah..~"

Oh my god his moans... Too fucking cute.

I start to pump my finger deeper into him, feeling him clench around me while doing so. I listen to his little moans and watch his slight squirms in awe. The way he gently clenches the sheets- I think I'm going crazy right now.

I bend down and start biting and sucking on one of his nipples. His face was a light shade of pink. I could change that real quickly...

I add a second finger, a third, and somehow a fourth (guys is that possible?..😀).

"Mmmhph... R-Rody im gonna c-cum..!~"

How long have I been doing this for? Besides that I quickly take my finger out and bring my face back up from his chest.

"Wait you didn't l-let me..?"

"I know I didn't, Vincent..~"

There was a reason for the delay.

I whip out my hardened cock. Guess Vincent really turns me on, or at least it seems right now. I stroke it a few times then put some lube on it. I bend down and start laying hickeys all over Vincent's body. He's practically begging for it right now.. I align myself up with his hole. I can feel him wrapping his legs around my waist. I lean down and kiss him again while finally thrusting into him. Vincent's moan vibrated through the kiss and I can see his face turn red. Man, he's squirming a ton more now.. I only started actually thrusting when i was all the way in. Even with the prep he was tight but it felt so good. So wrong but so right at the same time..

"N-Ngh.. R-Rody it hurts...~"

"You wanna stop?.."


Vincents moans were loud, a little too loud for my liking but that doesn't matter. He and I were having a great time. He was arching his back off the bed and was looking at me, tears slowly forming in his eyes. Vincent didn't want to stop though, so I'll give him what he wants most right now.

I feel like if people were in my apartment then they would definitely hear the sound of skin slapping together and the moans coming from mostly Vincent. I couldn't help but keep on pounding into his body. The warm feeling felt intoxicating almost.

"Mmngh! A-Ahha R-Rody..!~"


"I-Im gonna..!~"

"Yea me too...~"

His body tensed up around mine. The both of us were close, very close. I trusted into him a few more times before bursting, him also doing so at the same time. Vincent had came all over the both of us which meant more to clean up.. I forget we have to clean up afterwards...

It ends here :3

I finished cleaning the both of us up, turning the shower off and bringing Vincent a towel. I watched him as he put it around his waist and walked out while doing the same. I even made sure i put some new bedsheets on beforehand. Vincent fell onto the bed and almost instantly fell asleep. He's probably exhausted from all the drinks and fucking so I can see why. I slowly lifted up the blanket, making sure not to wake Vincent and cuddle up next to him. He's gonna have so many questions when he wakes up sober in the morning~


Vincent's POV-
Augh... Why does my back hurt so damn bad? Did I sleep in the wrong position or... Wait why is Rody sleeping next to me? And we're both.. Naked? I remember a little bit, but not much.. Only before what happened before I got drunk but I'm guessing we might have done something last night that was... Not very kid-friendly.

"Good morning, Vincent!~"

"Mmmh.... Morning Rody"

We both got out of bed and got dressed, although it was a struggle for me to. My back ached and hurt like hell and so did my legs. At one point I even fell on the floor because my legs collapsed out of nowhere!! How rough did Rody even go if it effected me this much- did he do only one round or was it more? So many unanswered questions that probably will never be answered.. I just hope our boss won't question what happened last night..


HOLY SHIT... I'm gonna share my drawings on another smut chapter :3 (Dude I'm gonna scream like almost no-one is commenting😥)

(Word count: 1,028)

(Word count: 1,028)

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