Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

In the ethereal tranquility of Olympus, a subtle disquiet whispered through the divine realms, stirring unease in the hearts of its immortal inhabitants. Something ominous loomed on the horizon, a shadowy presence that set nerves on edge and minds ablaze with trepidation.

Across the sacred halls, within the opulent confines of Aphrodite's temple, the news of Ares' return rippled through the air like a tempest, unsettling the delicate equilibrium of the goddess's domain. The twins, Phobos and Demios, felt the weight of their mother's ambition pressing upon them, their thoughts consumed by the urgency of reclaiming Eros, their beloved brother, from the clutches of uncertainty.

"I cannot let this opportunity slip away," Aphrodite declared, her voice resounding with determination as she adorned herself in jewels of unparalleled beauty. "While Ares graces Olympus with his presence, I must seize the chance to ascend once more in the eyes of our peers. What do you say, my dear boys?"

Phobos exchanged a knowing glance with Demios, his expression a mirror of concern as he addressed their mother. "Mother, charging recklessly into Olympus may only serve to tarnish your reputation further. And with Ares's volatile temper, we must proceed with caution."

A furrow creased Aphrodite's brow as she considered her son's words, a flicker of uncertainty dancing in her eyes. "Anger? But I thought he returned out of boredom with the wars."

"Rumors often veil the truth, Mother," Demios interjected, his tone laced with intrigue. "But fear not, for we have an ally who can unravel the secrets hidden within these sacred walls."

Aphrodite's curiosity piqued, a smile playing upon her lips as she leaned in eagerly. "Pray, enlighten me."

"It seems Hera is in turmoil within the palace, estranged from Zeus after a recent altercation," Phobos revealed.

Aphrodite's gasp echoed through the temple, her shock palpable as she struggled to comprehend the implications of such discord among the divine. "Zeus and Hera quarreled. Why was I not informed?"

"The news is fresh, Mother," Phobos explained. "It appears a wayward priestess stumbled upon their dispute and overheard more than she should have."

"And what of Ares's involvement?" Aphrodite pressed, her curiosity now fully ignited.

Demios's smile widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he delivered the final revelation. "Hera summoned Ares from the battlefield under the guise of an emergency, compelling his return and leaving his war efforts abandoned. But there's more... Hera has offered his blade in exchange for Athena's hand in marriage."

The crash of jewelry hitting the ground reverberated through the temple as Aphrodite's rage erupted like a tempest, her fury unleashed upon the unsuspecting trinkets strewn before her. "Athena... It's always you, Athena!" she roared, her voice echoing with a mixture of envy and indignation, a symphony of divine emotions echoing through the halls of Olympus.

"Ahhhhh!" With a furious cry, Aphrodite hurled the hand mirror across the room, its shattering echo reverberating through the chamber like a symphony of wrath. Glass shards scattered like fallen stars upon the marble floor, a testament to the tempest raging within the goddess's soul.

"What am I to do when everything revolves around that woman?!" she seethed, her voice a venomous hiss as she paced the room, her rage a tempest threatening to consume all in its path.

"Mother, please," Phobos implored, his voice a soothing balm amidst the storm. He approached Aphrodite, gently guiding her trembling form to stand steady. "We have a plan. We can turn this to our advantage."

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