Chapter Two: My Sunshine

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You woke up with two arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. You turned around, only for your face to be smooshed against Toby's chest.

"Hey, sleep monster, wake up. I need to get up."

You heard a soft grumble coming from Toby, and you felt him shift a little bit. He was pretending to be asleep, and you wouldn't fall for it.

Your arms slowly traced Toby's sides, just barely brushing against them. Then, out of nowhere, you began to mercilessly tickle him.

He began to cackle, blowing his obvious cover.

"P-please, [Reader], stop it!"

You didn't stop. This was entertaining to you. Watching your boyfriend squirm underneath you was hilarious. The way he begged for mercy made you feel powerful.

Just after you thought you were in control, Toby grabbed your shoulders and flipped you over.

You covered your sides, expecting him to try and tickle you back, but he didn't. He sat up.

"Unlike you, I show mercy." He said.

You let out a giggle before getting out of bed to get ready. You went to your dresser and got out black cargo pants, your work shirt, a [favorite color] jacket, and your binder.

You changed in another room before going back to your room to find Toby lying back down on your bed.

You sat down next to him and shook him awake.

"Hey, wake up, Sunshine."

His eyes began to slowly flutter open, and he turned to look at you. He looked so at peace. He also looked a little surprised about how you called him sunshine. Usually, he was the one to call you nicknames like that. Although, he wasn't at all opposed to the gesture. In fact, he was rather flustered by it.

"Sunshine...?" He slowly smirked.

Your face was painted by a light shade of red. You took a nearby pillow and pushed it against his face, only for him to let out a snicker from your reaction.

"Oh shut up."

"I didn't say a thing."

"You know what I mean."

All of a sudden, you felt Toby's hands on your waist. He pulled you down next to him, and unexpectedly planted a shower of kisses all over your face. He kissed your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, your jaw, and of course your lips. 

You softly giggled at the kisses, your face even redder. You weren't quite sure why you got so flustered. You had been with Toby for two years, and yet you still get the butterflies you had gotten when he would give you a small peck on the cheek when you had first started dating. 

"Okay, I seriously have to go now. I'll be late for work if I don't leave soon."

Toby sighed and let you go. Of course he was sad you had to go, but he understood. He watched as you left your room, and a few moments later, he heard the front door open and close.

You had grabbed your car keys and got in your car. You began to drive to your workplace, which was a grocery store. You worked the dreaded job of retail. It wasn't the best paying job, nor was it ideal, but you were getting by, and that's all that mattered.

You arrived at the store, and parked your car. You walked into the store and into the staff room to put your stuff in your locker where it would be safe. After doing so, you got to work.

You spent the next eight hours restocking shelves and dealing with angry shoppers that had problems you could do nothing about. It was hellish, but you powered through knowing that at the end of it, you could go home to your boyfriend Toby in which you could cuddle all night long.

You had gotten home and parked the car, and then entered the house. You put the keys down and went upstairs to your room, only to realize Toby wasn't there. He wasn't in the living room either, nor the kitchen. He wasn't even in the bathroom or backyard. 

You didn't think much of it, you had just assumed he was busy doing his..."work".

You were aware of the kind of work he did. You knew about the Slenderman, and the other proxies. You knew how he was forced to kill people, but you didn't care. You knew he had no other choice, so what was the point of defining him for it? 

A few hours went by. It was now 7:43 P.M. Around this time, you and Toby would already be in the shower together, or watching a movie while eating dinner. You started to really worry. His missions were never this long. There was also the fact that his missions were incredibly dangerous, so only god knows what could've happened to him.

You spent the next two hours on the couch worrying, just staring at the door.

Eventually, you decided to go to bed. Worrying wouldn't fix anything. You had prayed you would wake up tomorrow morning and Toby would be right there next to you.

You went to your dresser to grab a pair of pajama pants and a band shirt. You changed into them and went to bed, still very worried.

Author's Note: Told you this chapter would be longer! I really hope you enjoyed reading this, it took me awhile. 

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