The Lightning Thief Revealed

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Okay, I'm skipping the zoo truck and the Lotus Casino.  Both are boring in my opinion.

Long story short, we made it to the underworld and Grover, Percy, and I are now standing in front of Hades.  Sean and Annabeth had gotten trapped in the Fields of Asphodel, and used their pearls to go back to the mortal world.  On the way here, Grover was nearly pulled into Tartarus by Percy's winged shoes, and we found out that the Master Bolt was in the bag that Ares gave him.  Now, Hades is telling us that his helm is missing.  No idea what that's about, but when Percy told him that Kronos was rising, Hades started demanding the bolt.

Percy: But you said you didn't want the bolt!

Hades: I don't want the bolt.  Now I NEED the bolt.  If war with Kronos is coming I'd like to be prepared.

Percy held up one of the pearls that would get us back to the mortal world.

Hades: Nice pearl.

Percy: I accept your offer.

Hades: Great!  Now let's-

Percy: Your first offer.  I'll get you your helm back, and you'll let my mom go.

Hades: Now wait just a-

YN: Now

Percy, Grover, and I smashed the pearls against the floor at our feet.  Everything suddenly went black, and when we opened our eyes, we were on the beach that Hermes' taxi had taken us to earlier.  And a few dozen feet away, Ares was walking towards us with a sword on his shoulder.  Percy pulled out Riptide, and made Hades promise to give us the helm and leave if he drew first blood.  After an epic fight, Percy managed to hit Ares with a tidal wave, then slash his ankle.  Ares gave him a look of pure rage.

Ares: You've made a serious enemy, Percy Jackson.

With that, he started glowing.

YN: Look away from him!

Everyone turned away, as Ares revealed his true form and vanished.


Percy lay on the ground, Luke standing over him with his sword raised.

Percy: Why... why are you doing this?

Luke: The gods are horrible, Percy. They need to be overthrown. And I want you to help me.

Percy: Go to hell.

Luke looked down at Percy sadly.

Luke: I thought you'd see it my way. I guess I was wrong.

He swung his sword down and Percy closed his eyes.  Suddenly, there was a loud clang and Percy's eyes opened.  YN was standing over him, his spear in his hand blocking Luke's sword.


YN: Luke, tell me it's not true.

I pushed Luke back.  Luke grit his teeth.

Luke: What about you, YN?  Remember all those nights we spent?  Cursing the gods?

YN I never took part in that.  My mother's made it very clear that she cares for me. To think you'd go this far... why?  Just cause you think daddy doesn't care?

Luke yelled in anger, swinging his sword. I dodged, slamming my knee into Luke's gut and sending him rolling backwards. Luke spat out blood, glaring at us.

YN: I won't kill you, Luke.

Luke: You'll never have the chance.

With that, Luke turned and ran.  I turned to Percy, helping him up.

YN: I'm so sorry, Annabeth.

Percy spun around, where Annabeth was taking off her baseball hat.  Tears were running down her face.  I walked over to her, hugging her.

Percy: I'll... I'll go tell Chiron.


Annabeth: I didn't think Luke was capable of something like this... he was never the same after his quest.

YN: I knew there was something different about him.

Chiron: Let us speak no more of this.  All of you, back to your cabins for the night.

I nodded, leaving the Big House and taking Percy with me, as Annabeth tried to argue with Chiron.

Percy: Thanks for saving me.

YN: I saw Luke leading you off into the woods, I figured something was up.  And... I've had my suspicions.

Percy: You thought it was him?

YN: Sean and I talked about it.  There's no way it was Clarisse, she's not smart enough to get away with something like this.  And I was with Luke and Thalia even before Annabeth met them.  Nobody hates the gods more than Luke does.


Annabeth: So, you're staying over the summer?

YN: Not like I've got anywhere else to go.  And you're going to try things out with your dad, right?

Annabeth: Yeah.  Take care, alright?  I'll see you when I get back.

She kissed me on the cheek and my face turned red.  I thought I heard a snap sound, but I ignored it.  She pulled away and grinned, running off down Half-Blood Hill, where a car was waiting for her.  She waved at me, then got in and drove away.  I turned to walk back to my cabin, but Sean was standing there, a smirk on his face.  He held up a camera, with a picture of Annabeth kissing my cheek.  I lunged for it, but he pulled it away and ran.  I ran after him, screaming curses as he laughed hysterically.

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