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The group burst into the Three Broomsticks, eager to get out of the wind which seemed even colder than when they arrived. Two tables were pushed together to fit everyone and orders were deliberated carefully. Butterbeer for everyone, the clink of coins sounding as they exchanged hands with the designated buyers. Elodie immediately offered to go, grateful to be included, and Sirius and James followed to help her carry the glasses. Katy pushed her chair out to follow but dejectedly sat back down when she caught Sirius rolling his eyes.

"So, you having fun?" James leant casually against the bar counter, messing with his hair for the fifth time that hour.

"Lots," Elodie smiled, "You guys are loud... in a good way, of course. It's different from my roommates."

"Yeah, because Hufflepuff girls are so interesting," Sirius taunted, rolling his eyes. Elodie stared at him in disbelief, which must have been evident on her face as James gave Sirius a pointed look.

"Mate, don't," He said.

"What?" Sirius asked, "It's the truth! Hufflepuffs are so fucking boring! No offence." He side-eyed Elodie. Too late, the damage was done.

"You are so full of it, Sirius Black! Just because Gryffindors are so self-obsessed you can't stand to consider anyone else has any substance, doesn't mean we don't! I'd rather be boring than blind to anyone outside of myself." With that, Elodie grabbed the glasses she could and returned to their table, conveniently seated beside Remus and Lily and far from the boys.

"Nice going, mate, you're possibly the first person in the whole world to make Wood mad." James shook his head as he carried a few more glasses to the table.

"I didn't do anything!" Sirius called after him, scoffing before grabbing the remaining drinks.

Elodie didn't know what came over her. She wasn't usually a negative person, and hardly ever got angry. She was defending her friends, she reasoned to herself. That was all. It had nothing to do with Sirius at all, she was just trying to be a good person. Her heart was in the right place. Yeah.

The table was alive with mirth as the teenagers spoke over each other and split into side conversations, 'order' a word excluded from their vocabulary. Elodie could feel Sirius looking at her several times but refused to make eye contact, a mixture of shame and lingering infuriation. She pointedly ignored him, staring straight at Mary next to him, yelling about how lovely her hair looked.

"Padfoot keeps staring at you," Remus leant over to talk to her and Elodie scoffed.

"Who, Sirius? He's mad that I got mad at him." Remus raised an eyebrow and Elodie continued. "He called Hufflepuffs boring and got irritated when I told him he only thought that because Gryffindors were too wrapped up in themselves to get to know any."

"Fair. But I got to know you," A smile played on his lips.

"Then you're the exception. And anyway, I was really only talking about him, I'm friends with Marlene too and everyone else seems lovely." Elodie took a sip of her butterbeer, emerging with traces of froth lining her upper lip.

"Baby, you've got something on your lip," Marlene laughed, gesturing to the froth. The table stared at her, and Elodie crossed her eyes trying to look down. She ran her lip across it quickly, missing a bit on her cupid's bow.

"Aw, c'mere, Baby," Remus swiped his thumb over her face, collecting the remnants, then licking it off. Their friends cooed at them.

"You two would be the cutest fucking couple ever," Dorcas sighed and Lily nodded. Remus and Elodie made eye contact for a moment, then both burst out laughing.

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