Part 9

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Unknown pov...

Hi my name is Daniel Campbell and I am 51 years old. I'm the father to Isabella and Gabriel Campbell. I relocated to New York after my wife was murdered and left Ella with her aunt and Gabriel has his own house in France where he brings new girls to every week. I've been trying to tell him about marriage with no success and eventually gave up. Today I was on my way to visit my baby girl Isabella and her aunt. I was at the airport.


Yep thats me see you guys on the other side

Alyssa's pov...

I was on my way to work when I realized that a black car is following me. I tried to act cool but it has been behind me for some time now and I was starting to freak out. Thats when I bumped into Jake.

Me: Ohh Jake thank God (hugs him)
Jake: Hey you okay?
Me: No see that black car over there. It has been following me from home.
Jake: Oh no (looks terrified)
Me: What?
Jake: Let's go now
Me: Jake what's going on?
Jake: (pulls her arm and starts speed walking).

Jake's pov...

Hi I am Jake Hollywood and I am 26 years old. The reason why I was terrified when I saw that car is because I know who it was. That had to be the one and only Diago Rodriguez's people. I used to work for him and he almost killed me. But that's a story for another day.

Me: Okay you're safe here.
Alyssa: Jake are you okay?
Me: Yes I am fine. But do you usually walk alone.
Alyssa: No sometimes I walk with Ella.
Me: Make sure you walk with someone everyday, do you hear me?
Alyssa: Okay but what is going...
Me: Alyssa just fucken listen to me okay do not walk alone (shouts)
Alyssa: Okay noted (looks down)
Me: I'm so sorry I didn't mean...
Alyssa: Save it. I've had enough (tries to walk away but Jake pulls her towards him by her arm.)
Me: Please wait I...
Alyssa: (Yanks his hand off and gets into her workplace).
Me: Alyssa (shouts)

Gosh what did I do. I should have just told her why I acted that way and now I probably ruined things between us. But what was Diago's people doing around this area and why were they following Alyssa?

Alyssa's pov...

I was so annoyed by the fact that Jake shouted at me. Why would he do that?
But at the same time I was surprised as to why he was acting that way. Why was he so terrified when he saw that car. Then I saw Ella at her station and went to her.

Me: Ella (shouts)
Ella: Hey
Me:Are you okay? I'm sorry I missed your call.
Ella: its okay I just wanted to ask you if you could come with us.
Me: Okay where to?
Ella: To visit my mom.
Me: Ohh yes of course I will go with you guys.
Ella: Thank you so much bestie (smiles)
Me: You're welcome now smile this doesn't look good on you.
Ella: Is that you missing my extra personality?
Me: You wish
Ella: Whatever you know you do girl.
Me: (Laughs) Welcome back
Ella: (laughs)btw was that Jake?
Me: Yh (annoyed)
Ella: What did he do?
Me: (laughs) where is the boss?
Ella: he's out (laughs)come sit.
Me: (sat down) So a car was following me today and....
Ella: Say what? (Shouts)
Me: Yh and I bumped into Jake but when he saw that car he just changed you know.
Ella: What do you mean changed?
Me: He became terrified, held my hand quick and started speed walking.
Ella: But why though? (Confused)
Me: I don't know but that was kinda weird.
Ella: Girl you better ask that seems very dodgy.
Me: I wanted to but thats when he shouted at me and...
Ella: You got hurt.
Me: Yes
Ella: Just talk to him girl. You seem to like Jake and whatever this is can be sorted out.
Me: I guess.
Ella: Yes coz I ship you guys okay.
Me: (Laughs) what you crazy.
Ella: whatever lover girl (smiles).

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