Part 26

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Alyssa's pov...

Ella came over yesterday because she wasn't feeling well. She ended up sleeping over. I didn't tell her about the whole Chris having a fiancee situation. She looked drained and I didn't wanna stress her out even more especially considering that we're going through the same thing.

Ella: Hey.
Me: Hey.
Ella: Are you okay?
Me: Yh...yh I'm okay.
Ella: What's wrong Alyssa?
Me: No I don't wanna stress you out even more.
Ella: You could never, now tell me what's wrong.
Me: (sighs) Chris has another partner.
Ella: What? (shouts).
Me: Well, a fiancee to be exact.
Ella: Those lying bastards.
Me: I was the side piece.
Ella: They made us sides?
Me: I know right. I can't believe them.
Ella: How could they be so cruel?
Me: I feel so stupid.
Ella: Don't be too hard on yourself.
Me: I should've known Ella.
Ella: There's no way that you would've known, you loved him.
Me: And I still do, I can't believe he'd do this to me. Why would he?
Ella: Because they are monsters.
Me: (Begins to cry).
Ella: I'm so sorry babe (hugs her).

Mike's pov...

Kim: Going somewhere?
Me: Work.
Kim: You always go to work these days.
Me: I have a life Kim.
Kim: I know but I'm part of your life too.
Me: Is there something you need?
Kim: No but....
Me: Then back off.
Kim: What's your problem?
Me: What are you on about?
Kim: Why are you acting like this?
Me: Like what?
Kim: You're giving me the cold shoulder.
Me: I have more important things to do.
Kim: Like what?
Me: Can you leave me alone?
Kim: Ever since that little friend of yours left, you've been acting weird.
Me: This has nothing to do with her.
Kim: Then what is it about because you....
Me: Kimberly listen to me very carefully, you are not my wife and you'll never be. This was just a stupid arrangement made by our parents (shouts).
Kim: How can you say that to me?
Me: What did you expect?
Kim: I thought you loved me.
Me: You know very well that I don't but you still forced your way in.
Kim: Forced my way in? Are you being for real right now?
Me: Do your own thing man.
Kim: I am your fiancee and all I want is some love from my man, is that too much to ask for?
Me: Yes because I don't love you Kim, I'm sorry but it's the truth.
Kim: Why? What did I ever do to you Mike?
Me: Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours.
Kim: Why do you keep hurting me like this? Am I not enough for you?
Me: I can't keep pretending like I want this, I really can't.
Kim: What's that suppose to mean?
Me: It means I'm tired of living a lie.
Kim: Mike you can't say that, please you can't.
Me: Don't wait up, I'll be back late (heads out).

Alyssa's pov...

Ella went home to fetch some of her clothes and she'll be back. She said she has a date with some guy named Ryan I think. I was watching TV when I heard a knock and I went to open. I saw Chris at my doorstep, I tried to close the door but he gently pushed it and came inside

Diago: You know you can't keep avoiding me right?
Me: Why are you here?
Diago: To see you, of course.
Me: You've seen me, you can leave now.
Diago: What did I do wrong bella?
Me: You have got to be kidding me.
Diago: I asked you a question.
Me: When were you planning on telling me?
Diago: Telling you what?
Me: Are you seriously going to act dumb?
Diago: Dumb?
Me: Your fiancee was here.
Diago: Didi was here? (shocked)
Me: So now you know what I'm talking about?
Diago: Bella is that why you broke up with me? and over text?
Me: Why else? Do you think I still want to be with you after what I've discovered?
Diago: You could've let me explain before blocking me.
Me: I didn't think your fiancee would appreciate that.
Diago: My parents want me to marry her but I promise I won't.
Me: You don't need to explain to me, as I said its over between us.
Diago: There's no such thing.
Me: Its over Chris.
Diago: Nothing is over.
Me: Why are you here?
Diago: You are the love of my life.
Me: No I'm not, please leave before Ella comes back.
Diago: I am not going anywhere.

I tried to walk to the door but he pulled my arm and pushed me to the wall. He trapped me in between his arms and stared right into my eyes.

Me: Chris what are you doing?
Diago: I said I am not going anywhere.
Me: Move away from me.
Diago: Bella I'm sorry, I know I should have told you.
Me: Why didn't you?
Diago: I was afraid you'd leave me.
Me: Well I hope you're happy that you got what you wanted.
Diago: I thought I'd be able to sort it out on my own.

I pushed him away and went to open the door.

Me: Its already sorted.
Diago: Is it?
Me: Yes
Diago: I will leave on one condition.
Me: What?
Diago: If you kiss me.
Me: Hell no I won't....

Before I could finish my sentence he grabbed my neck, pulled me closer and kissed me.

Diago: This is far from over (heads out).
Me: (shuts the door).

A part of me wanted to forgive him and I won't lie I was tempted to but I couldn't.

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