Part 17

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Alyssa's pov...

Before I knew it I was on the floor with my eyes closed, hands covering my ears and I was screaming. When I looked up Jake was gone. He just vanished just like that. I stood up and ran to Ella who froze after hearing the gunshots. I hugged her and called the police and they arrived.

Police: Mam what happened?

I told the police everything that happened and how Jake just disappeared.

Police: Looks like he was targeted.
Me: Sir are they gonna come for me too?
Police: I don't think so. It looks like they were after your friend.
Me: But why? (Sniffs)
Police: Mam are you sure that is all you saw?
Me: Yes we were talking and we  heard gunshots
Police: We will do our best to find your friend.
Me: Thank you.
Police: Get in, we will take you girls home.

Diago's pov...

I was in my study drinking whisky, thinking about how my parents sold me and sold my life too. They don't even care that I don't love her. They just don't care about our happiness. I got a call from my brother Clive.


Me: Brother.
Clive: How you been?
Me: Fine.
Clive: I'm not convinced.
Me: Your parents sold me out.
Clive: I heard about that.
Me: Its like they don't even care.
Clive: You know how our parents are.
Me: That doesn't give them any right.
Clive: You think they care?
Me: I love Alyssa, not Didi?
Clive: Alyssa? (Shocked)
Me: Shit I think I'm drunk.
Clive: (laughs) who is Alyssa?
Me: Some girl that I saw the other day, its like I don't know but I've never felt like this before.
Clive: Are you in love? (Laughs)
Me: too soon. (Laughs)
Clive: Why don't you tell our parents about her?
Me: I will soon
Clive: You better, I'm tired of mom calling my phone every second.
Me: (laughs) brother I gotta go, I will call you later.
Clive: Duty calls brother. (Drops call)

My brother and I have never had a bond but I respect him. Even though we aren't that close he's always made me feel welcome at any time and I will forever cherish those memories.

Gabriel's pov...

I have been spending a lot of time with Michelle. She's really cool and smart but too bad that I am not looking for anything serious.

Me: Michelle (shouts).
Michelle: I'm here (speed walking).
Me: Finally I was starting to get impatient.
Michelle: Relax I was just fixing my make up.
Me: I don't care, next time don't keep me waiting.
Michelle: Bruh why are you acting like this?
Me: We still going or not?
Michelle: Jeez fine let's go (walking out).

Diago's pov...

I got a call from Mike telling me that he has my package and sent me the location. I changed into tracksuits and went out. I drove myself and finally arrived at the place, got out and went inside.

Me: Well what do we have here?
Jake: Diago you kidnapped me?
Me: Yes I did (sits down).
Jake: What do you want from me?
Me: I want to know about you and Alyssa?
Jake: What about Alyssa?
Me: What are you to her?
Jake: Why do you wanna know?
Me: Jake don't test my patience. I won't hesitate to shoot you.
Jake: No
Me: What?
Jake: I'm not telling you anything about Alyssa
Me: Fine you wanna do this the hard way.
Jake: Diago please man.

I really don't know what has gotten into me but something told me that there was more to their relationship. They seemed close and I didn't like it. To be honest I envied Jake.

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