Chapter 2

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Dakota walks out to the yard with the others. She sighs and stands next to the fence with her hands in her pockets.

"Has Liz mentioned our programs to you?" A voice asks. Dakota looks up and sees Erica Davidson looking at her.

"No, she hasn't" she answers

"Well, you should talk to her about it. Some women find it helps pass the time." Erica says.

"Ms. Davidson?" Liz walks up to them.

"I was just telling Dakota about your programs" she says

"Ah, great. Dakota, We'll see if we can keep you occupied until your hearing." Liz says and Dakota nods, looking at them uninterested. Liz walks off and Dakota slides down the fence to the grass below.

"How's the prison treating you? The inmates being good?" Erica asks.

"Im doing fine, Erica." Dakota says. Erica takes this as a dismissal and nods before walking away. Dakota watches and frowns when she sees Franky start a conversation with Erica not long after. She sighs and stands, stretching.  A large women in tattoos walks over with inmates behind her.

"So you're one of the newbies, eh?" The woman asks.

"What of it?" Dakota asks. She pops her knuckles, and smiles at the satisfying crack

"Oooh, she's a feisty one, mates"

"Who're you?" Dakota asks.

"Juice. What about you, cutie?" Juice asks

Dakota doesn't answer. She just smiles widely and pulls her arm back. She swings and punches Juice in the jaw. Juice grabs her face and bends slighty. Dakota grabs juices head and brings her knee up, hard. A crack rings out and blood splurts from juices nose and mouth. She falls to the ground and Dakota begins kicking her in the stomach and face

A fist hits Dakota in the face. One of juice's lackey had punched her. She turns and grabs the inmate by the arm, twisting it and holding her down before kneeing her the stomache. That image falls as well and a kick to the head knocks her out. A guard runs over finally and grabs Dakota. She walks away with him before smirking at Juice and her lackeys.


A week in the slot. That's all Dakota got. She sighs and groans loudly, flipping off the camera in the corner.  They should've given her longer. Maybe she'll beat up a guard or something. She lies down on the hard cot and sighs.

The week passed quickly, Dakota mostly sleeping and working out, and not once did Vera Bennett come deliver her food.

Dakoga stands and groans quite loudly, running her hand down her face. That plan didn't work then. The door clacks open and a guard rushes her out. She's lead back to compound.

Bea sits at the table with Liz, boomer, and Dor. Kaiya sits in Doreens lap.

"They went way too far. They took our extra blankets. They took our clothes. They even took Kaiya's teddy bear!" Doreen exclaims.

"Well, the dogs must have picked up a scent." Liz says.

"They ramp the prison while I was in the slot or something?" Dakota asks and Liz nods.

"Yeah they did. Welcome back by the way."

"Shit" Dakota says and runs into her cell. Everything was a mess. Her towels and books were thrown around and her mattress was on the floor., "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She puts all her stuff back before grabbing the edge of her mattress. She sticks her hand in and pulls something out.

"Where'd you get that?" She looks up and sees Franky in her doorway.

Dakota stays silent and shoves the rope back into the mattress. She crouches and moves to the wall. She grabs a brick and pulls it out. Franky walks into her room and watches. Dakota presses a finger to her lips as she pulls a gun out of the area behind the wall. She bends down and makes sure her knives and other weapons are in there as well.

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