Chapter 11

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Nataliya smells something and scrunches her nose. She follows it into a bathroom and coughs. Three women stand there chatting while Nat covers her nose with her hand

"This is like the Titanic of bad ideas." Taystee comments, "Like we're steering out the way of bedbugs and crashing into an iceberg of chemical burns and shit." She sprays herself with disinfectant and Nat coughs again.

"Please, my grammy used to douche with disinfectant.The trick is to imagine the bugs being bugged by you."

"If you're going to ruin your privates with chemicals, at least use something that doesn't smell like ass" Nat says and recovers her nose.

"What you doing in here, newbie?" Taystee asks

She shrugs, "The other bathrooms are filled with annoying bitches. It's like girls in highschool." She rolls her eyes.

"Someone's grandma douches
with disinfectant?" Alex asks, walking inside with an inmate behind her

Man, this was the pill before there was a pill. It's cheaper than condoms and makes your cooch crack smell like lemon fresh." Cindy says, "For real. Look that shit up."

"It also gives you infections and could probably kill you but whatever suits your fancy, love" says Nat as she stretches.

"Uh, when did our bathroom become gentrified?" Taystee asks

"Since the Spanish became patient zero for bedbugs." The other inmate replies

"This isn't social hour, ladies. Unless you're working, out. Everybody out." A guard, Maxwell, orders. Alex heads to a stall with the woman close behind, "i gave you an order, inmate."

"W-- I need permission to use the toilet?" Alex snarks and rolls her eyes, " May I relieve myself, teacher?"

"Excuse me?"

Nat snorts before covering her mouth, giggling. This is amusing

"Alex." The woman says

"That's a shot." Maxwell says, frowning

"What?" Nat steps up, "Why is she getting a shot for using the bathroom?"

Maxwell turns and narrows her eyes when she sees Nataliya, "that doesn't concern you, inmate "

"Shes my bunkmate so, yes, it does, Maxwell." She steps closer, "No shot."

The inmate watches with a confused look, "That's not your decision, Barinov." Maxwell says

Nat frowns before smiling. She leans forward close to the guards face, "Do you want to lose your job, screw?"

"Are you threatening me?" Nat smiles again but doesn't answer

"Get out." She says calmly. Maxwell stays and Nat rolls her eyes, "Get out ya' fuckin' screw!"

Maxwell grits her teeth before turning and leaving. She'll definitely have a talk to Caputo later.

Nataliya turns to the infant, "apologies... What's your name?"


"Hm. It's a pleasure, Piper. Now, if you will, please leave." Nat says

"What? No."

Nat rolls her eyes again. She grabs Piper by the shoulder and drags her out, "Stay." Piper huffs but doesn't walk back in

The assassin walks to Alex's stall. She leans against the door and hears Alex shuffle.

She knocks on the door, softly, "Alex, love?"

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