Chapter 8

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Dakota quickly cleans the blood off her and stashes the pen and book. She sits on her bed and waits until her watch—another item she received from Vera—hit twelve A.M. Finally it's Midnight. She stands and creeps out of her cell, making her way to Franky's. She unlocks it and steps inside.

Dakota smiles when she sees franky's sleeping form. She steps over and bends down, pressing a kiss to her cheek..

"C'mon, love, wake up." She says. Dakota tries a few more times and frowns when Franky still doesn't wake up. She sits on the edge of the stiff bed before flopping down, jostling Franky.

Franky jolts up with a yelp. She looks around before her eyes settle onto Dakota, "Jesus, Nat! Don't do that!"

Dakota chuckles and pulls Franky back down, wrapping her arms around her waist. Franky shakes her head before snuggling close to her.

"Did you take care of Jacs?"

Dakota hums and nods against franky's chest.



When Dakota wakes up, Franky isn't in the room. She stands and frowns before walking out, yawning. Bea, Liz, Boomer and Doreen sit at the table. They look up noticing Dakota.

"Hey, y'all seen Franky?" She asks and sits down.

"She went to meet with the governor." Bea says.

Dakota frowns again and sighs. Erica has been seeing Franky often lately and it's starting to annoy her.

"The whole prison has been in an uproar all morning, I'm surprised you slept through it." Dor says

"Why's that, Doreen?"

"Guards have been in and out of here. They've been looking for clues about Jacs and that other inmate. They were murdered last night." She explains

Dakota raises her brow in mock surprise, "really? I thought everyone was too afraid to go against her much less kill her."

"Apparently not" Bea says and smiles knowingly. A few minutes pass in silence until Franky walks back inside.

"Hey, love." Dakota stands and tries to kiss her but Franky moves out of the way, avoiding eye contact. Dakota looks at her confused before Franky walks into her cell, closing the door silently.

"I suppose her meeting didn't go very well," Bea says and frowns

"C'mon, love, give her some space." Liz stands and pulls Dakota back to the table before sitting back down herself.

Dakota sighs and leans against the table, resting her head on her hands. She listens to the girls talk for a moment before going into her cell and walking back out a few seconds later holding a shiv. She sits back down and pulls her left shirt sleeve up to her shoulder. The women watch silently as Dakota drags the shiv down her upper arm to create a mark next to many more. She marks a second time right after before wiping the blood away and pulling her sleeve back down.

They look at her with horrified but curious expressions.

"Why'd you do that to yourself, Dakota?!" Bea exclaims.

Dakota shrugs, "just keeping track"

"Track of what, your kills?" Boomer says snorting. Dakota stays silent but smirks. Boomer gasps, "really!?"

She shrugs again making the girls look at her appalled. There had to be at least forty marks on that arm alone!

Dakota yawns again, still slightly perturbed at Franky's behavior.

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