Chapter 1: A Rectangle Blue Screen Is Floating!? (Edited)

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Sorry guys, I edited this, well it looks bad to my eyes and to others too, I think.

3rd times the charm I guess?


Have you ever thought of having powers like summoning some old hero or superhero from a comic and they obey you only or suddenly power up when you wake up and then you have the power of a hero or some shit?

Are you confused as to why I'm questioning you right now, talking to my wall like some weirdo, Don't mind me, you get used to me after some time, hopefully.

{A/N: Yep, this guy needs to be in Asylum, talking to himself like a mental patient.}

Anyway the usual life of mine. I sleep in the morning, wake up to thank God I'm still awake to this day, eat breakfast to be happy, play games to be even more happy.

And today is Saturday, I just woke up and this day is the weirdest because I saw a rectangle blue screen floating in front of my face...

So do I get a price for saying the chapter title?

Ehem focus on what is in front of me.Weird the screen projected some words.

It says:

[Congratulations you won]

What?.... What the fuck is this? Did I not get my Meds? Wait I don't even have those. That's it, I'm officially crazy. Wait I'm already crazy, so I'm crazy crazy now.

"Did I play too many (much) games yesterday?"

I said while I sighed after saying it..

I touched the rectangular blue screen and it did something, it went to an introduction to the tutorial and it showed me how to use this thing, now called a system, after the tutorial I went to the [Stats], information about me in other words.

(Genius me, putting tutorial to a system. Idiot me)


[Name: Volos Askt]

[Age: 21]

[Height: 6.0]

[Talents/Hobby: Househusband, playing acoustic guitar]

[Titles: Gacha addict]

[Likes: Food (Ofcourse), Anything that is Free, Romance, Gacha, Cooking, Cleaning, playing games, family, reading manga and doujin.]

[Dislikes: NTR, Noisy and Crowded place,
too much sugar or salt]

Househusband? I mean ok, it's useful whenever I'm home I guess but why Househusband? I'm not even married to

(A/N: I tried to search House Husbandry and was disappointed at the result.)

Playing guitar is understandable. I practiced a few and joined a jamming circle with my friends before.

Gacha Addict? Don't be too harsh I only wasted 100 dollars to get my favorite character.

(A/N: I don't even have money to waste, so be grateful my guy.)

Wow, they even put my likes and dislikes. It feels like my dislikes are kinda common if you think about it.

Volos Askt my name. Questioning why it's my name? My parents are fond of Knightly names, kinda cute and funny to do by my parents right?

Now that I realize that, this is pretty common in the novels and fanfics I read. Did I enter some kind of fanfic or novel to someone?

{A/N: Oh? No, you are not. You're just being delusional right now.}

'Now what? A system is in front of me and I don't know what to do.'

I looked around and inspected the System and found Sections, an example is a mission section, I'm kinda of curious.

'Wait... does the mission will be like some hell like forcefully accepting a mission or punishment that doesn't make any sense when you fail one? Oh God please no. Anyways.'

I tapped into the mission section and another screen appeared saying:

[Special members are only accepted to open this section.]

'Special members? What? Hmmmm.… I'm even more confused now because of this popup window.'

I looked at the other sections of the System

[Shop], [Settings], [Inventory], [Mail], [Log-in], and [Chat].

I tapped the [Login] and it said:

[Special Members are only accepted to open this section]

It showed again, how do you even get to be a [Special Member]? I looked at [Chat], I don't even have friends but let's click it anyway just for fun.

{A/N: Same, I always do this just to expect something may appear to only receive a text from the government.}

I tapped the [Chat] section and something happened, which meant something bad or good was going to happen.

[Chat is functioning]





[Finding Members]





[Chat is done, Inviting members.]

[1/5 Capacity]

Administrator- Volos Askt -

Changing name to - Fake Knight -


A Member Has Joined

Name: [Child Support Evader]


A Member Has Joined

Name: [The Angry Mailman]


A Member Has Joined

Name: [A Robbing Wolf]


The Last Member Has Joined

Name: [Oji-san]






Looks like some I'm lost and questionable actions will be made in the future because of this. Man, I'm sure 100% dead. Future Me do your best to survive ok?

Also did I create  some kind of clown groupchat. Don't tell me that there are other people who are jokes in their whole life too?



How was it? Is it




Also, feel free to suggest and correct my mistake, this is my first time writing fanfic, and be gentle with your words, please.

I don't want a toxic reader. Joking around is acceptable.

Bye, Bye.

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