Chapter 5: This Is Ridiculous. Like For Real!?

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(A/N: I Feel Motivated while making this, I don't know why though. I may change or edit some things here.)

(Third POV)


Volos groaned while waking up in bed. Stretching his body making a few little crack sound.

"That feels good."

'After eating some breakfast made by mom, I feel sleepy and went straight to bed to rest.'

Volos gets off the bed and went to the bathroom to wash himself and looked at the system beside him.

He looked at the [Log-in] button and stared at it for a few seconds.

"I wonder if it's already possible to open this and maybe get something?"

He shrugged it off and went back looking at the mirror.


He fixed himself in the bathroom and went straight to the bed, while cross sitting, looked at the system again, the [Log-In] is tempting to him but also hesitation is also there inside of his.

Thinking maybe something he get will dragged him more to work. Volos shooked his head.

'Overthinking this is a bad idea, many people will also be happy getting a system like this. Others will hate it of course, because they will think they are going to be a slave to the system doing things that they may not like which is true and it is hard to deny it.'

After thinking too much, Volos pressed the [Log-In] in the system and a holy sound released, like angels singing to it.

'Too much just for a "Log-In".'

(A/N: Well I'm sorry Mr. Protag, I don't have any ideas and I want it to be Unique. Well in my eyes.)

The system spoke in a robotic female voice saying.

-Congratulations on your first log-in reward-

-Detecting a powerful authority-

-Log-in rewards has changed it rewarding system, it will change into something special items-

"The fuck? What do you mean powerful authority? I have those?"

Unexpectedly the system answered him.

-Yes. Powerful Authority means, be in a group of strong people while being the leader of it-

"Sooo... How did that happen... oh wait I get it now, is it because I'm the leader or something in the group chat?"


After saying that, the system went quiet and Volos looked at the [Log-In],

__Host, would you like to recieve your Log-in rewards?__

                            _Yes or No_

Volos tap the Yes in the hologram.

Suddenly a chest appeared in front of him and a key in his left hand, the chest looked like a CS:GO crate.

"What is this, unboxing video? I thought they would just give it straight into the Inventory of the system."

'But hey, atleast I know now how it feels like opening a real CS:GO crate.'

Volos put the key on the lock of the crate and the sound of opening was similarly to the CSGO crate.

Rolls of items began to appear in the crate it so fast you can't see the other items it's just a blur in his eyes, until it stopped, an item emerged from the crate and the size of it is a piece of card?

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