Chapter 3: POV *1

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(Sorry for the late update, I need to re-learn the lore of the games. Anyway here is a chapter.)


(POV: Courier Six)

Finally, After the fucking paperwork locked me inside the Lucky 38, and can't go outside for 3 days, and all of it is done, now that all of it is finished, I went outside the strip and killed some Fiends outside to relieve some stress that kept piling up because of paperwork. I wish they didn't exist, the paperwork I mean.

"Now then how many of you fuc-"


"Oh? What's this? An update to a Pip-boy?"

[Would you like to Update the Pip-boy for upgrades.]

Oh, look a random update that did not look suspicious at all. Great. Hmmmm... weird, the Fiends are not attacking, probably got scared of me.

[Third Person View]

While Courier Six is standing alone and looking at his pip-boy, a pile of bodies is beside him not knowing he almost (yes almost) wiped the Fiends and the only survivors are 5 fiends that are scared to come out and be in sight of the Courier.

[Back To Courier Six POV]

After killing the Fiends I went back to the strip sat down on a bench and looked at the notification update of the Pip-boy.

"Well I'm used to this weird shit so I think it's fine."

Being able to talk to your brain is the most entertaining and weirdest thing, but thank Goodness, me and my brain are the same...Wait. Nevermind.

I tapped the update button and now it's starting to update



After some time and waiting for it to complete its update there's the sound again.


Finally, got bored sitting on this bench. My butt hurts from sitting on this awful bench, should I put some cushions on the benches here in the Strip and Freeside? .....I'm getting sidetracked like some sidequests I did, again. I looked at my Pip-boy to see what's new to this update.

Nothing changed except this chat function.

Disappointing. It also said Upgrades with an S at the end, I only see one update though.

"What am I gonna do? Chat with other people who have a Pip-Boy?"

I sighed and tapped the chat function anyway, and Oh goodness, A screen just showed up like a hologram floating in front of my face.

"Cool, I guess but I've seen better than this."

The hologram is starting?


{System Activated}

Searching for a group to join..




Search Successful..

Welcome (The Angry Mailman)



What. The. Fuck. Is. This.

And why is my name like that? I'm not even angry... except in the past I guess?

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