Chapter 6: A Training Arc already!!?!?

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(A/N: For those who can't read and needs a guide so you can read... Wait that sounds wrong-)

Bold = Important/ Serious


"Normal" = Talking

This = Just like the bold letters.)


"Kid, what are you doing here and why are you here right now?

I woke up and I see a man in black suit saying those to me.

'Pointing a gun at me? Well shit.'






(Third Person POV)

The man who is currently pointing a pistol to Volos drop his guard and lowered his weapon and smiled gently at him.

"Sorry for pointing my gun at you, it's a little joke of mine, Volos right?"

Volos who is shocked right now because of the gun pointed at him calmed down as soon the man talked at him with a gentle voice.

"You, know me?"

Confused question by Volos because this man knows his name.

"Yes that's right... but before you ask me any questions, are you ready?"


Again with a confused tone.


Answered by the man. Volos suddenly remembered the system's words.

-If you are going to use this Template Card you're going to be unconcious.-

As soon as he remembered that he also remembered that the one who will teach him

is the man himself, John Wick.

Volos started a conversation to the man to confirm something.

"Are you Mr. John Wick?"

"That's right kid, but you can also call me Keanu or Kean since John Wick is just a persona of mine when I'm working."

With an awe face Volos remembered that Keanu is the most humble person, and that is one of the reason why he got popular in public.

"How did you know me Mr. Keanu?"

"Drop the Mr please, and the reason I know you is because... I'm not the real Keanu Reeves and John wick, but I'm also still him. Confused?"


Keanu chuckled at Volos because of his funny expression when he explained confusing things to him.

"You know parallel worlds right?"

"Yes, a few things."

"I'm one of those right now, I'm just a parallel version."


"And the system invited me here also, in a peculiar way."

"So that's how you know me? From the system."

"Yes, that's right kid."



Keanu is seen sitting in a chair while holding his chin, thinking something.

"I wonder if teabagging a dead body is a warcrime?"

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