Do you find it tricky to navigate Wattpad sometimes? We know it's a big place. These resources should help answer some of those burning questions, like What if something is acting glitchy? What if someone won't leave me alone? How does it all work?
Any words you see highlighted or underlined are links. Click on those and you will be directed to help pages and useful information.
🌕 Are you looking to enhance your user experience?
Wondering how to tag your story to give it better discoverability? You'll find tagging tips right HERE.
Do you wish you could control what stories are recommended to you? You can toggle tags on and off or block certain tags to define your preferred content. Learn more HERE.
Did you know there are a couple of ways to search for stories by a tag word?
Readers can search for stories using the tags to filter and define the search. If you're looking for stories about a romance with the CEO of a big company, you might use these tags:
#ceo #romance #billionaireThe more tags used, the more refined the search will be.
You can also exclude tags when you search. For example, type #romance and -fanfic to get a list of romance stories that exclude fanfics. Just add a minus (-).
If you want a broad selection of all the stories using a certain word or genre, use this search criteria: word here
For example:
If you want to refine your search for the top ranking (Hot List) stories, use this search criteria: word here
For example:
If you want to adjust your reading preferences, such as applying dark mode or changing font size, you can learn to do that HERE.
Profile Guide
RandomThis guide explains all the features you will find on the Werewolf profile. You can also consult our FAQs about Wattpad and find links to helpful resources. Thank you for stopping by!