Observing manners and showing basic kindness will make everyone's experience more pleasant on Wattpad and within the many community profiles here. We have shared a few Do's and Don'ts to help keep things positive:
Advertising your story around Wattpad:
😇DO check the Profile Directory and International Profile Directory of our ambassador-led profiles and consider submitting your story to their reading lists. This offers writers some great exposure.
😈 DON'T advertise your story on another user's message board, PM, or in the comments of their stories (unless they state that you may). The same goes for community-led and ambassador-led profiles.
😇 DO vote if you enjoy and want to support the story you've read.
😈 DON'T get involved with vote trading, offering votes as a reward, or bribing people with votes.
Interacting with profiles:
😇 DO interact kindly on profile message boards, comments, and PMs. Give yourself time to think before you send your message.
😈DON'T harass profiles. They are not run by computers. They are real people like you.
Asking for help:
😇DO ask questions on profiles. We will help you with a smile!
😈DON'T forget the many resources in Wattpad's Help Center. You can always search there for information.
Profile Guide
RandomThis guide explains all the features you will find on the Werewolf profile. You can also consult our FAQs about Wattpad and find links to helpful resources. Thank you for stopping by!