I drown now

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This is the end..."she sighed as she looked up into the vastness of the night sky. The full moon cast a pale vision in her sorrow-filled eyes.

As she took her first step, barefoot onto the beach, the sand gave in slightly where her weight pressed onto the surface. She felt the tiny granules of sand compress under her, and let out a breath so guttural it could decimate the violent rolling waves, charged with pain but she pressed on, determined to face the tumultuous waters. But as she approached the shoreline, a voice in her head whispered, "You don't have to do this. You can turn back and pretend everything is okay." She shook her head, trying to silence the voice, but it only grew louder. Her feet sank into the wet sand, her toes curling as she felt the cold, murky water lapping at her ankles. 

Suddenly, the voice was louder and more persistent, urging her to give up and run away. She hesitated, her heart torn between her desire to confront her fears and the temptation to flee.

Her mind was a battlefield, the voice of doubt and fear warring with her determination and bravery. She struggled to move forward, her feet feeling heavy as if they were anchored to the ground. Just as she was about to turn back, a memory flashed through her mind. 

A memory she couldn't quite place, a memory of fire and conquering, screaming at her to face her fears head-on, not turn and run like a coward. "The only way to conquer your fears is to confront them," some disembodied voice said into the night-kissed air around her.

And with that memory, a surge of determination coursed through her body, giving her the strength to take another step forward. Only with each step, the voice grew louder and more insistent, reminding her of all the things that could go wrong, of all the things that had indeed gone to shit. 

She could almost feel the water pulling her in, the waves crashing over her, drowning her in her own fears. Her heart sparked into a blind panic as would be expected from human nature, but she sighed, drawing the last bit of her strength forward to see this through.

Torn between her desire to prove herself and her fear of failure, she finally reached the edge of the water. She stood there, the waves splashing against her ankles, the voice in her head screaming louder and louder, this time for her to run. 

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and made a choice. A choice that went against everything she used to believe in but everything that had been then, now nothing more than a mere glimmer of a past life. So with that being that, she waded into the dark ocean depths.

As she took her first step, barefoot onto the beach, the sand gave in slightly where her weight pressed onto the surface. 

She felt the tiny granules of sand compress under her, and let out a breath so full of defeat, it could decimate the violent rolling waves, charged with pain but pressed on forward, closer to the tumbling water.

Just as she felt the texture of the ground shifting from harsh to wet and muddy, she stopped and stared into the dark horizon with a forlorn expression etched onto her ethereal features. She waited for a while. From the outside perspective, it would probably seem like a dream, or in her case, a nightmare.

A ghostly figure on a secluded beach during high tide, barefoot and nothing but a gossamer white dress drenched at the hem, ice white hair flowing dangerously in the wind, just standing, motionless. But in her mind, she knew exactly what she was waiting for.

"I need some sleep" by the eels, abruptly cut her thoughts in two when it suddenly played from within her dress pocket. The melody filled the night, and she responded accordingly, pulled out her phone, and blinked at the screen.

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