Reach for me

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Disclaimer: Mature themes


"Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit!" he huffed out as he closed his bedroom door, he felt like she was being purposeful, bending down, her breasts almost falling out of that too-tight shirt, the way she slid her leg over his lap, her stating the obvious that he was indeed looking at her, but she was no better, she constantly stared at him, perhaps she was just awkward, hell he didn't know, but what he did know was that he was about to explode. He had to do something about the throbbing in his cock.

He had to be quick though, she might wonder why he was taking so long, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his pulsing manhood, gripping it firmly at the shaft, and began stroking, he thought about how her ass looked in those pants, the slight underboob while she slept, her lips under his thumb and how she seemed to revel in the fact that she made him loose focus around her, he thought about her bad attitude and how rude she could be, he would fuck that rudeness out of her if given permission.

And at that he finished, gripping the side of the bed with such intensity he thought he would rip through it. He felt a bit disgusted with himself for thinking such dirty thoughts about her, he cursed himself and swore he'd try to keep his mind from going there again.


Lilith thought it very strange how Ambrose just sped out of the room, not even waiting for her to thank him "what a dick" she murmured to herself, when the thought struck her, her foot grazed it.

Oh gods, she only then realized that she had rested her leg right there on his crotch and then proceeded to drag it over as well.

Her body temperature rose and her breasts felt oddly tense, like they were trapped and needed to be released of the confines of her shirt.

Her mind flickered to him tracing circles on her skin, the sensation, being one she hadn't felt in a long time, she thought back to the memory of him in his underwear and before she knew it, her hand was between her legs.

Wetness had already been there before she slid her fingers in between and started to work gently, growing more and more ravenous at every movement, her other hand moved up to grip her aching breast and she kept on holding the thought of his big bulge in her mind, thinking what it would be like to taste it, to have him fill up her mouth completely.

Before everything happened she had been a very sexually charged person, she enjoyed sex, different kinds of sex than most people, and she really missed it, she hadn't been fucked in a long time, and hadn't even pleasured herself either.

So the absolute frustration was palpable, and she moaned softly as she let her imagination run wild with possibilities.

She finished moments later and felt the pain in her head ease a bit.

Just then Ambrose walked in, she flustered at the sight of him and scrambled to pull the blanket back over her, her breathing was still very uneven and he stopped right in his tracks as he saw her, her hair was messy, and she was sweating and her legs were trembling a bit, he also noted that her shirt was in a very strange position.

He tried to put whatever that was so far into the back crevices of his mind and just gave her the boot, he helped her to put it on, and just as he opened his mouth to say something, his phone rang.

He excused himself and left. Only coming back a few minutes later with an expensive-looking coat slung over his muscled forearm and keys in his hand.

"I have to go, they need me at the hospital, here's the clothes I bought you, if you want to and are able to dress yourself, use the bathroom down the hall, here's some crutches for you to use, I'm sorry I really need to go, it's an emergency, there's food in the fridge", and with that, he was gone.

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